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Jun 21, 2022, 25 tweets

Hange Zoe & Erwin Smith: The So-Called Actors & Con Men

Thread analyzing the parallels of Hange and Erwin's character arcs as their own worst critics and how they grapple with the responsibility of being Commander


Erwin and Hange both harbor self-doubt due to the immense responsibility of being Survey Corps Commander (in increasingly difficult times) and their own perceived inadequacies

As a result, much of both of their arcs is how they face down these doubts and ultimately overcome them

Erwin's fears are rooted in feelings selfishness, hubris and fraudulence, the ultimate "con man" with only lies while Hange's are rooted in hypocrisy and inaction, the consummate "actor" on the stage

But both of their endings serve to combat those insecurities & self-perceptions

Erwin Smith: The Con Man

When we first meet Erwin, he has this perfect Commander mask in place- he's the steadfast, charismatic leader whose staunch belief in the cause and the right words to sway a crowd inspires those around him

As time goes on and we learn more, we realize that Erwin's devotion to the cause isn't necessarily as pure so-to-speak as others' and that this causes Erwin a great deal of self-loathing and internal uncertainty.

As the cracks form for the reader, we start to wonder about Erwin

This is mirrored by Levi, Erwin's arguably biggest supporter & the one who knows him the best in-series

But we watch as Levi is surprised by Erwin, who he (like everyone else) had put on a pedestal, and starts to have feelings of "betrayal" & "loss" as he sees new sides of Erwin

So when Erwin lays everything out to Levi, both Levi & the reader get a true sense of what drives Erwin & how his insecurities stack up against reality:

Despite other desires, Erwin wants to do right as Commander- he's the only reason they'd come so far and worth believing in

Interestingly, Erwin tells the recruits that the lives given to the cause weren't meaningless and will live on but he also states just before privately to Levi that convincing the recruits will take a "conman" and a "slew of lies", implying he may not fully believe what he says -

But much of Erwin's character is reading beneath the surface; he may consider it a "slew of lies" just as he considers himself as full of "hubris"- but while he has doubts, he ultimately acts in opposition to those doubts, highlighting his true desire to be his persona

That's why I find speculation of Erwin's true beliefs moot

Erwin wanted to believe in the mission of the OG Survey Corps that was rooted in idealism and acted accordingly- wanting to believe it and acting as if he does is how he becomes his "mask"

Hange Zoe: the "Actor"

Hange's grappling with feeling inadequate as Commander is similar (imposter syndrome) but slightly different -

While Erwin feels like a liar and fraud, Hange feels like a failure for inaction, idealism, and even hypocrisy

For Hange, this is set up long before the time skip and Erwin's death.

Emphasis is placed on how Hange is portrayed as deeply critical of Pastor Nick, Sannes, and Shadis due to their actions as secret keepers, upholding an established hierarchy, and/or leadership choices

Hange is quick to call them out for their choices- so much that Eren and Levi even intervene with Shadis

But Sannes actually gets the last word- words that continue to haunt Hange long afterwards:
"When one actor leaves, another jumps in to take his place... break a leg, Hange"

So Hange had championed openness & transparency to Nick & Sannes & called out Shadis' inferiority complex & hiding information, but now is on the other side- seeing how openly sharing things can destabilize (as Sannes believed) & the burden of an impossibly tough leadership role

This only fuels the imposter syndrome & doubts- Hange inherited an impossibly complex role with no good solutions and endless criticism.

This comes to a head in 126/127, recalling Sannes' words and wanting to run, much like how Hange said Shadis wanted to "run away from reality"

But like Erwin's feelings of inadequacy not winning in reality as he ultimately chooses his duty over his dream, neither do Hange's

Hange's tired but immediately gets up again, hates the job but won't resign because it's irresponsible

As Levi says, Hange could never run

There's also an interesting irony in that Hange judged Shadis as a Commander (after initially idolizing him) and thought Erwin never made a mistake other than Hange- but Erwin himself never doubted and completely believed in Hange but not his own actions

They both believed deeply in one another as Commander but doubted themselves.

Ultimately, while Hange & Erwin are their own worst critics, but when push comes to shove, they won't shirk responsibility and demonstrate their core selves and what they believe in

Their Endings

This also plays into their endings. Isayama evokes with both Erwin & Hange's sacrifices a sense of "the captain goes down with the ship" - there's an emphasis on responsibility & that they can't ask of their soldiers the same commitment they themselves wouldn't do

This is also why all 3 former Survey Corps Commanders (Erwin, Hange, & Shadis) die in a purposeful choice of sacrifice on their own terms to advance the mission, believing that the comrades they left behind will see the mission through

But both Erwin & Hange longed to feel like they could face their fallen comrades with pride despite insecurities about their leadership, dedication, and imposter syndrome

They felt "watched", their choices and uncertainty judged, by the fallen

The OG survey Corps were idealists who'd give their lives without hesitation for this better future they were unlikely to see

Erwin sees the charge as doing right by those dedicated hearts- just like Hange sees stopping the Rumbling as doing right by them, too

So Hange & Erwin's ends specifically highlight this idea that despite their own misgivings about themselves, they did right by the memory of those who dedicated themselves to the cause, the fallen Scouts, as is the "duty" & "responsibility" of their role- to their visible relief

AoT is a series that purposefully puts the characters in impossible situations where there's no perfect answer to basically test who the characters truly are, what do they choose to do, what matters to them?

Can you be self-aware and grow? Can you face down your own uncertainty?

This is ultimately who Hange & Erwin are, what matters to them:

Leaders who devoted their lives to the original mission of the Survey Corps, the one derided by the public & seen as hopeless, to honor the cause so many died for so they can feel they can face them with pride

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