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Nov 7, 2023 29 tweets 23 min read
Levi Ackerman: Humanity's Strongest Soldier

Thread on Levi's story in Attack on Titan and how his conclusion ties together elements since the very beginning and the story's messages Image When we first meet Levi, he's presented as aloof and stoic, scoffing at the crowds cheering him

It's easy to assume this is because Levi doesn't care, is arrogant or feels detached from the lives around him

But we're soon after shown who Levi truly is and what drives him

Jan 17, 2023 12 tweets 7 min read
Wanted to give my two cents on why Isayama responded to the interview question about characters without backstories by saying he had been thinking on an additional Levi story despite No Regrets and Levi's established manga backstory in "Friends" already existing - 1. No Regrets isn't written by Isayama

While Isayama was involved to a degree and even references it in canon, ultimately this isn't a story from Isayama's words and doesn't capture a lot of what Isayama talks about for his vision of Levi's transition in interviews & canon:
Jan 15, 2023 25 tweets 6 min read
Thanks to everyone who responded, it was fun!

Organizing all the answers below Levi
Oct 24, 2022 24 tweets 19 min read
Erwin & Levi - Coming Full Circle

Spoiler-less thread analyzing the relationship between Levi and Erwin and how it comes full circle, giving each other what they searching for at the time they needed it the most Erwin and Levi's relationship is something of a full circle, one built on mutual trust, support, and reliance-

It begins when Erwin offers Levi what he had been looking for but couldn't get himself and ends with Levi giving Erwin what he's seeking all along but couldn't attain
Sep 30, 2022 16 tweets 9 min read
At a high-level, I really appreciate Ymir's character both because of her thematic value but also because I love how what they've been fighting (the titan power) turned out to be the extreme manifestation of many major characters' own demons so-to-speak -

#aotspoilers AoT cautions many things that culminate in Ymir's character

So through Ymir it's almost like the personal demons of our characters had manifested through the literal monsters (titans) they faced long before we even knew anything about Ymir, Paths, or the world outside the Walls, Image
Sep 27, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
Levi canonically has super strength, can easily kick down a door or backhand half of Eren's teeth out while exhausted, body slam or arm wrestle huge thugs, fought daily just to survive Underground, and beat up adults twice as big as him since childhood

1/ ImageImageImageImage Most of the cast have military training but Levi began fighting when he was extremely young outside of sparring in life-or-death fights

He cut his teeth in dirty fights with grown men as a kid just to survive and he was trained in tactics by Kenny who (then) wasn't using ODM

2/ ImageImageImageImage
Sep 10, 2022 17 tweets 11 min read
Hange Zoe: Champion of Discovery and Innovation

Analysis exploring the root and meaning of Hange's desire for knowledge- and its role in Hange's arc

#aotmangaspoilers Image There are many smart characters in AoT, but Hange's type of intelligence is more scientific, focused on deduction & innovation- the desire to know more & understand defines the character

This desire is tested over Hange's arc & plays a crucial role in the character's conclusion Image
Aug 30, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
I love how Erwin is so charismatic and good with people but can't help but smile at inappropriate moments because he's just so excited to have figured something out/see a plan of his come together, acquire some kind of understanding or knowledge 1/ Image When passing the torch to Armin, Hange said a Survey Corps Commander has to have an "unyielding desire for broader understanding"

In the face of his motivating dream, it's easy to forget that Erwin also sought to combat ignorance and seek knowledge imo 2/ ImageImage
Aug 29, 2022 25 tweets 18 min read
Armin Arlert: Conflicting Lessons

Thread analyzing Armin's dynamics with Erwin and Levi and the antithetical lessons he learns from each

#aotmangaspoilers Image Armin has dynamics with both Erwin & Levi that have important roles in his arc as he learns to see the value in himself and gain confidence

These dynamics and "mentorship" are antithetical to each other & serve to set up Armin's inner conflict that he must resolve for his arc ImageImage
Aug 23, 2022 22 tweets 16 min read
Nameless Soldiers & Collateral Damage

Thread on how and why AoT leverages the purposefully unnamed and minor characters to convey the weight of choices

#aotmangaspoilers One of my favorite chapters is #80: "The Nameless Soldiers"

While it is often remembered for the amazing speech a beloved character gives (Erwin) or the heart-wrenching interaction of a dynamic we're invested in (Levi & Erwin), it's named after the nameless soldiers for a reason
Aug 10, 2022 19 tweets 12 min read
It's apparently the anniversary of "Midnight Sun" so quick thoughts on why this chapter is one of my favorites -

#aotmangaspoilers Image "Midnight Sun" is by far one of my faves because it does so much for the series as a whole (foreshadowing, developments, motifs, etc.) while also being largely character-driven

Specifically Mikasa, Eren, Levi - and also Floch, Erwin, Hange, and Armin's characters Image
Aug 8, 2022 26 tweets 18 min read
Levi Ackerman & "No Regrets"

A deep dive into the "no regrets" speech - how the motif of choice is core to Levi's character, his dynamics, and the story as a whole

#aotmangaspoilers Image The no regrets speech is core to Levi's character & the series as a whole because it stresses the importance of choice, making hard calls in impossible circumstances, and living with the consequences of your actions as well as pushing forward rather than dwelling on the past Image
Aug 3, 2022 8 tweets 7 min read
Was just thinking how Isayama really excels in taking paper-thin character ideas, like characters created for the sake of it, and turning them into extremely compelling, fleshed out characters that are really impactful

Like Erwin, Historia, Floch, and Sasha for example 1/ Image Erwin's true characterization wasn't conceived until ~50 chapters in, despite technically being in chapter 1

But now most would say he's one of the deeper, complex characters- and he has major impact on the series, in terms themes/motifs and characters like Levi, Armin, Hange 2/ ImageImageImageImage
Jul 28, 2022 14 tweets 9 min read
Since I'm getting told again Zeke & Levi's dynamic having to do with mutual understanding is headcanon-

Literally Zeke says before their fight in 113:

"Levi... the world we've seen is too different... It's not as if you could ever understand even if I shared my true intentions" ImageImage And just a couple chapters before, Levi and Zeke's conversation discusses judgements of each other, assumptions, and concludes with this from Levi:

"At last, we agree" Image
Jul 18, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
So the Ackermans were persecuted for rebelling against a royal Founding Titan's use of the power

And in opposing the Rumbling, the sole two survivors behead the FT holder & royal blood titan who were key to enacting the Rumbling in consecutive chapters while supporting the other Image Further, Kenny and Levi's conversation discuss the Ackermans opposing Karl Fritz (the royal with the Founder's power) because he "didn't want humanity to survive" while the Rumbling is described as the decimating humanity, an unparalleled massacre ImageImageImageImage
Jul 5, 2022 25 tweets 16 min read
Levi Ackerman: Living For the Fallen

Thread analyzing Levi's core character motivation of finding meaning in the sacrifices of the fallen Survey Corps members and how it ties his entire arc together, from his introduction to the final chapter

#aotmangaspoilers Levi's intro is crucial to understanding his character- we immediately learn what matters to him, how he lives with all the death surrounding him, and how he chooses to live his life.

This character motivation established in his intro permeates his story & culminates in his end
Jul 4, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
A detail I love is how only Levi really wears the cape of the old uniform in Liberio, but as the Alliance forms, more of the others start wearing them too- visually distinguishing the OG Survey Corps vs. the Yeagerists and furthering the return to their roots feel of the last arc I had seen speculation on how Levi's refusal to "get with the times" represented by clinging to the old uniform was indicative of his future death or becoming outdated

Instead it ties to the back-to-their-roots return for the characters, like with the Scouting mission to Liberio
Jun 21, 2022 25 tweets 18 min read
Hange Zoe & Erwin Smith: The So-Called Actors & Con Men

Thread analyzing the parallels of Hange and Erwin's character arcs as their own worst critics and how they grapple with the responsibility of being Commander

#aotmangaspoilers Image Erwin and Hange both harbor self-doubt due to the immense responsibility of being Survey Corps Commander (in increasingly difficult times) and their own perceived inadequacies

As a result, much of both of their arcs is how they face down these doubts and ultimately overcome them ImageImage
Jun 17, 2022 22 tweets 14 min read
Quick thoughts on why I like the No Regrets manga way more than the OVA and why people should read it if they've only watched the anime - 1. The Characters -

The characters have more consistency, nuance, and depth in the manga imo

Furlan & Isobel are more fleshed out & seem like more than sacrificial lambs for Levi's angst- like we get hints of their backgrounds and see their last moments- & their bonds
May 6, 2022 21 tweets 18 min read
Levi Ackerman & "Street Smarts"

Spoiler-less thread on the mental skill set Levi uses to win fights, how he connects with others, and how it all foils the characters around him in a deconstruction of brawn vs. brain dynamics You can't pull off Levi's feats against impossible odds with just strength; brute strength and speed alone aren't much if you aren't perceptive & strategic about how it's used

And he couldn't be a leader who is given so many responsibilities with just physical skills to rely on
Apr 29, 2022 21 tweets 10 min read
Data Analysis: Levi Manga Appearances

Quick data-driven thread that analyzes reader perception vs. reality of how often Levi is featured in the manga- and the implications of this for Levi's character is used and the role he plays in the story Image So I kept seeing claims Levi "doesn't do anything" or is "forgotten" post-time skip but that's not how I felt while reading

I was curious if my bias towards enjoying Levi's appearances made me think he appeared more or expectation/perception differences?

Here are the results-