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Working to end abortion by electing leaders & passing #ProLife laws, with a special calling to promote pro-life women | Follow @MarjorieSBA @LozierInstitute🤰👶

Jun 22, 2022, 10 tweets

The SBA Pro-Life America and Women Speak Out PAC field team has made 2 MILLION visits to voters in key states so far this cycle to get out the pro-life vote for the #Midterms2022 ✊🚪👶🤰

Here's a breakdown of our efforts in the 2022 cycle to date: 1/


ARIZONA: Our team has visited more than 419,000 homes to educate voters on Sen. Mark Kelly's abortion extremism and to urge them to get out and vote pro-life in November

This is in addition to the $1M AZ ad campaign we ran in March: 2/

FLORIDA: Our field team has made more than 355,000 visits to homes to educate voters on what's at stake in the 2022 midterms & to urge them to get out and vote

More: 3/

GEORGIA: Our field team has made more than 234,000 visits to voters in the Peach state to ensure they know how out of touch Sen. Raphael Warnock is on abortion & to urge them to get out and vote pro-life

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KANSAS: Our team has visited more than 109,000 homes to urge voters to vote YES on the state's #ValueThemBoth ballot initiative

This would clarify that there is no right to abortion or taxpayer-funded abortion in the state constitution

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NEVADA: We launched our ground game in Nevada this week. Already our canvassers have made over 19,000 visits to voters to educate them on Senator Catherine Cortez Masto’s record of pro-abortion extremism

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NORTH CAROLINA: Our team has visited 310,000 homes to ensure voters know what's at stake in the 2022 midterms and to ensure they will get out and vote for pro-life candidates up and down the ballot

More: 7/

PENNSYLVANIA: Our PA team has made more than 273,000 visits to voters right at their front door to share with them what's at stake in the 2022 midterms

More: 8/

WISCONSIN: Our canvassing team in Wisconsin has visited over 186,000 homes to share with voters about the abortion extremism of Gov. Tony Evers, and to urge them to register & get out and vote in November

More: 9/

This cycle we plan to spend $78 million to protect life across America. This includes reaching 8M voters across battleground states to educate them on key issues and win pro-life majorities in the U.S. House and Senate. 10/10

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