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Hi Bouzy 👋 CEO of Doubtible ~ Scam Hunter ~ 🥔 🧀 Connoisseur ~Abuse Has No Gender~ MenToo👨

Jun 23, 2022, 30 tweets

Christopher Bouzy A Thread
The purpose of this thread is to highlight the work CB did before he began working with high profile clients such as AH. It will be long but worth the read.
#JohnnyDeppWon #AmberHeardIsACheater #AmberHeardIsALiar #allegedscammer

Disclaimer: Everything written in this thread is alleged. All information was sourced from publicly available websites.

Before Christopher Bouzy started Bot Sentinel he was known in crypto forums as a scammer named "IconicExpert" Between 2014 and 2016 he was accused of scamming people out of thousands in crypto currency. This thread will focus on BlackCoin.

On March 1,2014 CB registers an account on using the name IconicExpert. He begins posting in the Blackcoin forum on or around March 15. Mostly he gives advice during this time period.

Less than a week in the group he begins setting up his first scam. He tells the group that he is a " software engineer" and he and his friends in the finance industry have some ideas about creating a Blackcoin card. The group responds positively.

March 28 - CB provides 3 updates, stating he is using his contact in financing to try and get approval from Visa or MC for a non re-loadable crypto currency card named Blackcoin. He does not inform the developers of his plans.

There were members who pushed back on the idea, never believing it will come to fruition.

March 31st - CB pushes his second scam, press releases to give Blackcoin more exposure. He states the he has a writer friend who could write and distribute. He claims he will pay for it out of pocket but then asks for donations to cover costs.

Some members of the forum have questions and ask to see his verified credentials. CB refuses to supply credentials citing " hackers" . CB reaches his funding goal.

April 2nd- CB posts another update on the Blackcoin card The supposed email is not attached to his post, instead it's typed in green font.

April 7th-9th - CB posts an update on the press releases. He promises publication in the WSJ and Bloomberg. When links for the publications are provided some members are disappointed in the results.

April 11th - 12th - CB posts another update on the Blackcoin card announcing he is taking pre-orders. He explains the cards will be a BC card with an attached USB that can be plugged into any computer.

There is no mention the card can not be used to purchase with crypto directly. He simply states the USB can be used to get updated wallet info, market info and Blackcoin updates. Orders reach 800 on the evening of the 12th.

April 14th-15th - CB begins pushing members for more funds to do another press release. On the 17th the release is published in yahoo finance. CB provides members with a link and brands it "Resurection Thursday".

April 18th- Accusations of artificial pumping appear on the forum. CB publicly encourages the pumping. Developers release a statement condemning public pumping.

April 29th - CB announces a Wall Street event he has been planning with his wife. He cites a budget of $9540 and again asks for donations. His goal is $12,000 so that he can hire a camera crew. CB does not inform the developers of his plans.

The plan is to gain exposure with MSM and wall street executives so that Blackcoin becomes "associated with wealth". 50 women wearing branded tee's will hand out Blackcoin cards while walking up and down wall street. Not everyone is impressed.

April 30th- CB is asked to participate in a telecast with community managers and the developers of Blackcoin. They wish to ask some questions and clear the air about some misunderstandings. CB declines.

May 1st- CB posts a sneak peak at the Blackcoin card software. He also posts a message for the community stating they are not getting along .He singles out one member and lobbies to have him thrown out. Note :ironic statements on free speech😉😂

Some members become angry. CB is not part of the developers team but appears to take charge anyway. Members tell him to hit the ignore button if he does not like what someone is saying.

May 2nd - CB posts a " Community Plan" on the forum. The plan consists of his vision for Blackcoins future as well as what roll he believes everyone should play. By the next day the group has descended into chaos.

Accusations being flying from every corner imaginable. Members being asking why they have not received their Blackcoin cards. CB is accused of trying to control and censor the group. Questions are lobbied about his credentials and use of donations.

Members wonder if they should dump their coins. CB is accused of deleting posts. Also, has anyone received their Blackcoin cards yet?

Where are the Blackcoin Cards? CB says he shipped them last week and provides photos that look like a hostage situation. He refuses to comply with requests for refunds regarding the donations.

CB attempts to remedy the hostility being thrown his way by calling out members of the group he says were manipulating the price of Blackcoin. It's the final straw for the group and a poor attempt at deflection. No one believes him.

Some members do receive their Blackcoin cards but report problems. Estimates floated are 60% of ordered cards were never received. Members of the forum take to Reddit until the dust settles. CB leaves the group abandoning the cards.

It is alleged Christopher Bouzy also ran crypto scams using Libertycoin and Bytecent. A Thread in 2016 was started on asking " Who has been screwed over by Christopher Bouzy?" The honest answer would probably be : its a long list.

Please note that CB has not been a part of @BlackcoinOrg since leaving in 2014. Today Blackcoin has an active and diverse community with a solid base to be supported for many years to come.

Libertycoin statement about CB involvement and mention of previous incident with Blackcoin. Full statement can be found on forum and paste bin. #Bouzy #Bouzycryptoscam

The real Christopher Bouzy in the forum for Libertycoin. Talk about abusive language.

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