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Jun 21st 2023
It was my birthday a couple of weeks ago and a friend got me this book. There is a dig about Johnny Depp in it (I don’t think my friend realised) so I need to have a bit of a rant 👇🏻

Bear with 🤌🏻 🤣 Image
Firstly, the fact that I was bought this by someone who knows me well, should illustrate how much of an advocate for women I am and have been for a very long time. I say this because those defending Amber Heard think anyone who supports Johnny Depp, hates women.
As soon as I started to have a read, I just KNEW there would be a reference to the JD case filed under mIsOgYnY and lo and behold, here we have it on page 132 🙃 ImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Dec 29th 2022
#WeStandWithJohnnyDepp Could you please add a tweet to this if you want your story known about why you stand with #JohnnyDepp? So many survivors sent me their story but l wasn’t sure how public you wanted it to be. #JohnnyDeppWon & it has helped us all to have hope @Lepplady 💔🏴‍☠️ Image
Permission to share. We 🙏 for continued healing. We stand with you Rachel Image
This includes sensitive content but is important. A lot of women have received internal trauma through childbirth or through invasive fertility treatments. Hearing a certain incident described during the trial had me shaking. I had reconstructive surgery after a traumatic birth.
Read 39 tweets
Jul 25th 2022
thread in response to k4mil1aa’s thread about johnny depp and amber heard because it’s completely misleading and fails to recognize research on this exact topic, despite trying to frame it as informative.

#AbuseHasNoGender Image
this study analyzed women’s shelters or participants who said they were abused, which is not representative of community samples. so yes, when a woman is being abused, self-defense may not be uncommon, but that’s not what we’re talking about, Image
because the subject at hand is talking about a man being a victim, not to mention that when a man is a victim people commonly excuse the woman’s violence by saying it was self-defense, which contradicts studies showing the opposite. ImageImageImage
Read 24 tweets
Jul 13th 2022
@mensurvivetoo @tobeycakes
#JohnnyDeppWon - this one needs some expaining but if you have been following my threads, it is all related. It is about the industry of false accusations and how it all began in New Hampshire in 1994 with Police Officer Jim McLaughlin...
Long story short, there is a Catholic Priest who was framed in the Diocese of Manchester New Hampshire by a corrupt police officer working with a child services non-profit for DV & SA which stood to gain. He worked with local attorneys who went on to become NH SC Chief Justice...
The NH SC Chief Justice was representing the Diocese and went about working with former Monsignor Edward Arsenault to sort quick settlements for claims while covering up Edward Arsenault's own fraudulent activities which landed him in prison in 2014.
Read 6 tweets
Jun 23rd 2022
Christopher Bouzy A Thread
The purpose of this thread is to highlight the work CB did before he began working with high profile clients such as AH. It will be long but worth the read.
#JohnnyDeppWon #AmberHeardIsACheater #AmberHeardIsALiar #allegedscammer Image
Disclaimer: Everything written in this thread is alleged. All information was sourced from publicly available websites.
Before Christopher Bouzy started Bot Sentinel he was known in crypto forums as a scammer named "IconicExpert" Between 2014 and 2016 he was accused of scamming people out of thousands in crypto currency. This thread will focus on BlackCoin. Image
Read 30 tweets
Jun 1st 2022
Op-ed slander. Amber Heard is a liar per the court.

She destroyed his career with the op-ed on purpose per the court
Depp proved all statements were defamatory, they were about him directly, they were false statements. She acted with malice.

Against Amber $10M
Punitive $5M

Heard's counter claim:
Waldman made false statements and with malice

Against Depp: $2M
Punitive: $0
So Johnny is being punished only for what his lawyer said to the Daily Mail

Read 4 tweets

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