The Wire: Gym Jordan episode 1/
Last year I wrote about FBI forensic techniques relating to cellphone data, into a fictional story about Jan 6th investigation. Today we do Episode 2 into that story
Why is the Ranking Child Molester & alleged human being Gym Jordan freaking out?
The Wire: Gym Jordan episode 2/
So yes, I am an expert in modern media & tech. I've written 12 books about this, including fastest-selling telecoms book of all time, 3G Marketing which in 2004 was literally first book to discuss cellular data type of info, relating to this topic
The Wire: Gym Jordan episode 3/
And as we discuss why Ohio's ranking creep Gym Jordan has been freaking out about his phone data, you need to understand this FORENSIC method used by FBI. So you HAVE to read Episode 1 of my 'The Wire' Threads first:
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I do not suffer fools. Anyone who thinks they can skip part 1, and then wastes time of my followers by posting stupid questions here, that were answered in that first Thead, will not receive an answer from me. I block all maga and all idiots
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(I trust you read part 1?)
So Ohio's scumbag Gym Jordan. Do you remember, immediately after January 6th, the one Congressman who had absolute manic fits about investigators looking into his phone data, was Jim Jordan? WHY was this? I can tell you
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Because of various bits of data, and in particular now the January 6th Committee hearings, we know enough of what happened to the Ohio creep, Gym Jordan, that had him freaking out. Let's start with the top Mafia boss in our The Wire episode..
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The Ohio creep Gym Jordan was not aware, that his moron crime boss, Donald The Duck McTrump had stupidly revealed to the two topmost attorneys at DoJ in a phone conversation, that 3 corrupt 'R Congressmen' were plotting to overturn US democracy
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So together with the Russian Senator from Wisconsin, Ron Johnson & Nazi warmonger Congressman from Pottsylvania PA, Scott Perry, Trump identified Gym Jordan as an insurrection plotter BEFORE Jan 6th. Jim was definitely under FBI watch, & for cause
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I do not know if FBI had gotten a wiretap on the Ohio dirtbag Gym Jordan, but certainly Jim was under FBI surveillance BEFORE Jan 6th. THAT is why his phone records were gotten by FBI under subpoena so fast, and got Gym to have his conniption fits
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What was Ohio's leading insurrectionist and disgrace Gym Jordan doing on his phone Jan 6th? We know now, from January 6th hearings. Jim was attempting to introduce FORGED slates of 'electors' relating to Nov 2020 election. He tried to con Congress
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But it gets worse for Ohio's shitstain Gym Jordan
The fake electors plot was run by Sir Buttdial McRudypants. America's Mayonaise did not know, he was under FBI wiretap (approved by Bill Barr who forgot to tell Trump) already from his Ukraine crimes
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So every text, email & phone call by Rudy Colludy were meticulously collected by FBI
Because DOJ knew Gym Jordan was plotting crimes, if known crooked attorney Giuliani communicated with suspected criminal, those files were all PRESERVED
The Wire: Gym Jordan ep 13/
Remember Ohio fuckface Gym Jordan immediately after January 6th said he did not talk with Trump
then he did not remember
then he did talk with Trump
then he talks with Trump many times every day, etc
The FBI have logs of all of his calls & texts
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And at least all conversations between Gym Jordan and the lead clown of the Fake Electors plot, Sir Rudibald di Giuliani - are on tape. Jim is utterly and totally caught
And Trump's House poodle, Qevin McCoward attempted to put Gym onto Jan 6th cttee
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Of course Speaker Pelosi was not going to let any of the actual criminals who participated in January 6th Republican picnic, tourism, terrorism, insurrection, attempted coup d'etat and public hanging party - be part of Jan 6th Cttee
She #DaBossofDC
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We know that there were several Congressmen who were personally involved in a plot to provide FORGED lists of names of 'electors' to Congress as Trump himself revealed. Gym Jordan alongside Russian Senator Ron Johnson, one of the crooked R Congressmen
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Because FBI had Ohio asshole Gym Jordan under surveillance before Jan 6th, and because they wiretapped Rudy Giuliani who communicated with Jim about the fake electors plot, Gym is utterly hosed
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We the public are seeing SOME of the communications now in the Jan 6th Hearings
The DoJ & FBI have FAR more of the actual communications
The reason Ohio child molester Gym Jordan freaked out, was that he suddenly understood, FBI HAD his data already
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