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RNC National Committeewoman Elect for @GAGOP; Chair @america1stwomen; cofounder @womenfortrump #MAGA #AmericaFirst #paperballots2024 #StoptheSteal

Jun 24, 2022, 6 tweets

These 13 states will ban abortion completely within 30 days now that Roe v Wade has been overturned. #LifeWins

1. Texas
2. Louisiana
3. Oklahoma
4. Arkansas
5. Missouri
6. Mississippi
7. Tennessee
8. Kentucky
9. North Dakota
10. South Dakota
11. Wyoming
12. Idaho
13. Utah

7 states where abortion will likely be banned within weeks or months…

1. Georgia
2. South Carolina
3. Indiana
4. West Virginia
5. Ohio
6. Iowa
7. Alabama

States where the fate of abortion rights seem uncertain

FL, NC, VA, PA, MI, WI, NE, KS, AZ, & MT

There are a number of states on this list that should be on one of the previous lists

This is where the real work begins for the #ProLife movement


States where abortion rights will likely remain protected… and life doesn’t win.


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