Kanchan Gupta (Hindu Bengali Refugee)🇮🇳 Profile picture
Public Affairs Commentator. Reader. Writer. Blogger.

Jun 25, 2022, 6 tweets

On this day in 1975, Indira Gandhi proclaimed #Emergency.
Fundamental Rights were suspended.
Civil Liberties were scrapped.
Opposition was put behind bars.
Press censorship was imposed.
Democracy was wounded.
We lived in fear of the midnight knock. n1

As darkness descended at noon and freedom was shackled by the #Emergency regime, repression became the norm. Nehru Dynasty seized the nation and the Constitution was rendered meaningless. Government and Judiciary became putty in Indira Gandhi's hands.

One of the defining slogans of Indira Gandhi's #Emergency was:
“India is Indira; Indira is India.”
And backing Indira Gandhi were the Communists.

I have vivid memories of the terrifying fear that gripped people during #Emergency. Those of my generation who squawk 'democracy in danger' are children of Emergency's collaborators and enablers. Politicians who scream ‘Constitution in danger’ were Emergency’s foot soldiers.

Just how much of a joke the #Constitution had become after President Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed tamely signed on the dotted line legitimising Indira Gandhi's order proclaiming Emergency on June 25, 1975, and subsequent ordinances, was best recorded by cartoonist Abu Abraham.

Nearly 5 decades after #Emergency Nehru Dynasty’s contempt for democracy, republican values and rule of law remains what it was in 1975. Nehru dynasts and their darbaris believe it is their divine right to rule India. But #India🇮🇳 has changed. It values Democracy over Dynasty.

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