SEGA L'éveilleur® Profile picture
A passionate Advocate for Justice, Accountability and Transparency, Dr SEGA tirelessly champions causes that empower communities and promote good governance. 🚔

Jun 25, 2022, 8 tweets

For clarity again as done every month of every year since the Advocacy began, I am NOT a LAWYER and need not be. I am simply SEGALINK, a random ordinary citizen contributing his quota to Nation Building. I’m not out here to win clients for what I do professionally. #ShunExtremism

The detractors failed again. The image of me in your head is not for me to maintain. I’ve said this from the get go that this is not about me as an individual but the CAUSE. I’m not faceless but known. Go & hunt for something else to use to distract the illiterates in your midst.

There are countless corrections out there for every year since we started. Those hoping to weaponize this are the true enemies of this country. There is so much to be done and we are wasting time fighting ourselves?! This is ridiculous.

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