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Equal Rights for Everyone. We Demand Gender Neutral Laws. We demand National Commission For Men.#MenToo If you like to contribute our UPI ID is ncmindia@ibl

Jun 25, 2022, 5 tweets

Once again a Man has been subjected to extreme cruelty and violence. We are at Daltonganj, Jharkhand to support and help Sunil whose penis gt amputated by his wife along with her paramour. The practice of chopping genitals of husbands by their own wives are increasing day by day

After Babloo of Delhi and Mahavir of Rohtak it's the 3rd such horrible incident we cane across where a husband's genital gt chopped by his wife।Doctors treating him told us that he is left with only ABT 1inch portion of his penis. Police is still searching the chopped off portion

We were in constant touch with family of Sunil and Police to ensure Justice for him.Police arrested his wife and searching fr her paramour. Investigating officer told us that she probably gave him injection to sedidate before cutting his penis. What a shame !

We assured Sunil that we will take care of the expenses of his treatment and ensure his rehabilitation . If U like to support our efforts pls contribute fr the cause. Our PayTM/Google pay number is 9990588768 or through this link or DM fr account details.…

Imagine the outage if this has happened to a woman. Our media and govt always ignore the pain and sufferings of a Man if the culprit is a woman Sunil is a Dalit and this has been done to him by his wife. Imagine the outrage if it has been done to him by sm upper cast Men

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