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Apparel Manufacture 🧢 , Monkey Man🐒, Former MegaChurch Pastor ⛪️ Family Man 👨‍👨‍👧‍👦 Fitness Focused 💪

Jun 25, 2022, 6 tweets

This is my youngest daughter, she was the product of extreme violent rape. I helped her bio mom relocate for safety after she was born. She had access to abortion, she chose life. As a result I have a beautiful daughter, who serves others.. and will impact the world!

My family is made up of 4 adopted and 3 biological kiddos. All of my adopted kiddos were what’s the liberal dems would term “throw always” that would have been aborted!

We have an amazing story… and it’s not traditional… but it’s a mosaic of God’s beauty, goodness and grace. I am a blessed man, and I have the call to share that blessing with others.


This is my oldest adopted daughter, she didn’t know her dad, the rapist who attacked her mom. This is her daughter; the product of her being raped at 18! Jessica’s mom chose life, Jessica chose life instead of abortion! Amid horrible trauma & pain the world was blessed.

I don’t pretend to understand the personal impact of sexual trauma some women face… but I have walked with my daughter in it… and I’ve seen beauty come from it! This pic I took of my son’s birth is a reminder to me… ALL life is sacred! Abortion is not the answer!

My 2nd oldest joined our family when she was 6. She’d been beaten, & sexually abused since age 3. She was a failed, late term abortion & an FAS baby. Her challenges have been tough. But my beautiful girl says one thing, “I’m gonna Be A World Changer” because she’s wasn’t aborted!

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