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Jun 25, 2022, 5 tweets

5-plane formation just after noon over Seattle today.

May have been F/A-18s or F-15s as the best images I have show what look like two engines and twin tails.

By coincidence, perhaps, there were a trio of F/A-18Fs from VF-154 "Knights" at KBFI last night. Tails 102, 103 & 105. NH tail code denotes ties to Carrier Air Wing 11, which is Teddy Roosevelt's.

There was also an AFSOC 🇺🇸 C-146A Wolfhound at KBFI last night - 12-3040 #AE68BA

AFSOC 🇺🇸 C-146A Wolfhound 12-3040 #AE68BA is currently returning from Elmendorf after Red Flag 22-2 wrapped up.

Since it sounds like a bunch of sources are now saying they were F-15Es (and given no one heard them because they were so high up, I believe them), I started looking for F-15E bases in the US and it so happens an Eielson AFB to Nellis AFB route would take them right over Seattle!

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