Cryptoe Man Profile picture
freelance graphic designer/printers... washed up sock salesman founder of minimal prints #xrp

Jun 27, 2022, 30 tweets

Over the years ive been part of the #XRPcommunity

It's been so amazing, exciting, weird and just fun

I wanted to share my experience with you


It all started with SOCKS... yes socks

after I joined the #XRP community I wanted to sport a pair of ripple socks but I couldn't find them anywhere

so I made some and the story begins there

the story starts with a BANG... @bgarlinghouse wearing a pair of my ripple socks on the @Ripple AMA with @CoryTV this was such an amazing thing to achieve and this really blew my mind

it got a little crazier as @bgarlinghouse went on to clearly love the pair of socks and even wore them to swell whilst being interview on tv

the next line of socks were brought to the market in the form of @bgarlinghouse and @JoelKatz faces with quotes saying in David/brad we trust which lead to @arrington buying himself and brad a pair and gifting them to brad

now it does get a little darker here so be warn...

here we have @JoelKatz actually trying to lick his own face on the pair of socks at a ripple swell event... but this is why we love David because he is such a fun and great guy

The n)ext part of my story was probably the best part... so i wake up one morning and I get an email from none other then @JoelKatz WIFE asking me to supply her with 100 pairs of socks for davids birthday so they could give them to guests (this was incredible for me to do for

the next line of socks was a run of 100 gold xrp limited edition socks sported here by my dog Marley... it was safe to say they sold out very quickly

I then moved onto a little bit of merch for the xrp community and I brought a tie to the market which I wear still to every wedding or smart event I go to

(ripple pin was sent to me by Brad himself to say thanks for the socks)

I also received this hack the money from brad with the gold ripple pin... it was safe to say I was as giddy as a little school girl when I got these 2 things sent to me by brad

another amazing time of being part of the community was getting the community together and sponsoring a local kids football team for a tournament in Barcelona this has to be the first ever team to be sponsored by #XRP

as you can see in the previous tweet you might of spotted a Ripple football shirt?

yes that's right I designed these and made only 11 and sold them to people who wanted to be part of the XRP football team

I even tried to get the staff at @Ripple to get a charity football match where it would be ripple vs the XRP community by creating an invitation to the challenge

clearly they seen my skills and thought NO THANK YOU šŸ¤£

Offer still stands @Ripple @bgarlinghouse

next came the #xrpwatch that @JoelKatz came back to my store for... couldn't keep him away... Stalker šŸ¤£šŸ¤Ŗ (I still have some of these but they are being used as giveaways for my current project)

as ive been a graphic designer/artist for the last 13 years I wanted to start creating for the community (this was before NFT's) and my first thing I did was this XRP painting on canvas which was commissioned to me by @BabaCugs

I then went on to making more digital posters and it started with the @Ripple protocol print... every single word on one bit of paper

my second poster was going into a new level for me... I created the first Augmented reality community poster, every single square had a #xrpcommunity twitter avatar on it and when scanned with a phone it came to life and then goes into the YouTube video from @Ripple

these 2 posters will always mean a lot to me and the reason why is because I managed to get @JoelKatz to SIGN both of my posters and I AUCTIONED them off for an XRP charity and they were snapped up by @MichelleSchlen6 for Ā£500 EACH so thank you both David and Michelle

another great moment for me personally although it makes me jealous is I seen @Ali_G_Ali_ who ive never met, tweeting out that she wanted to get into a private party where a lot of people were like David and @sentosumosaba so I reached out and got her on the guest list

since NFT's have come around me and my son worked on a project to launch which will be coming soon to @onXRPdotcom this was a great project for us to bond as farther and son although he did most of the work LOL also thanks to @XRP_OWL for the voice over it made his DAY

here some photos of my son working on his first ever #nft project and he keeps on asking me when will #XLS20 be released so he can finally get this up and share it with the #XRPcommunity

The #XRPcommunity has always and still is amazing and ive met some absolutely amazing people on this journey and I wouldn't of changed a thing about it and here is some people I would like everyone to know they make the community (sorry if I missed anyone)

what am I doing now?

well I spent 6 months designing every single line of each stag for my newest project @WildStagTH and we are bringing them home to the #XRPL

I have teamed up with @MPtraderz which is @Rusty_Rigs @RippleSamurai and @lammie_j all legends in the xrp community

we have some amazing plans for this project and to start with we will be announcing a partner that we have secured to planting tree's for every nft that is sold

and once the project sells out we will be building Treehouse accommodation for the community to get away from....

tech and screens and meta worlds and VR headsets

get the kids n family back to nature having fun on rope swings and jumping into lakes and enjoying life instead of worrying all the time with stress

and I would welcome you and would love for all of the #xrpcommunity to come and join this project @WildStagTH

this thread has been a pleasure to write I hope you all enjoyed it and I hope to chat to you in the discord

CTM OUT ā¤ļø

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