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We bray facts!!!!!

Jun 29, 2022, 9 tweets

Kwete kutamba!! #EDWorks!

Rasvika Gamba. #EDWorks!!!

Owners of the new baby!!

The Mount Meru Group was attracted into Zimbabwe by His Excellency the President from its Dubai base. It specialises in cooking oil and wants to diversify into fuels and other areas. The plant will employ about 1000 Zimbabweans, with the Group moving full throttle to sponsor soya

…and sunflower. Their focus is rural industrialisation. They have footprint in Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi and Zambia where they have changed rural farmers through the growing of oils. The factory is operating at 3% capacity. Input is direly needed.

Zimbabwe continues to attract capital from non-traditional sources. The Mount Meru Group has been facing challenges from cartels who have dominated edible oils and have been erecting barriers to entry.

The President happily welcomed the Group’s plan to sponsor outgrowers, particularly rural farmers. The President made it clear cartels will be broken for greater price stability and consumer protection. The President opened his door to to the Group which has validated Govt’s

…rural industrialisation.

The President tours the plant.

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