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We bray facts!!!!!
Mar 21, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
MORE INFORMATION ON HWANGE 7: Synchronisation of Generator 7 will take two weeks at which point an entire 300megawatts will be added to the grid. Like I said, power is gradually introduced to the system. Even after those two weeks, the generator will be running on and off at ….periodic times to allow engineers to assess certain parameters and moving parts. WHEN DO WE START GENERATOR 8, SO WE HAVE THE FULL 600 MEGAWATTS, some of you may be asking. All things being equal, we start testing GENERATOR 8 from May 15, to complete the whole process around
Mar 21, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
BRIEFING ZIMBABWEANS: Hard on the heels of the coming on the main grid of Hwange 7 is Hwange 8 which should see a total of 600 megawatts added to the national grid. What delayed the process was procurement and operation of a special computer which handles both new and old units …smoothly to avoid failure. The computer uses special software and requires high-tech skills to operate. We secured both. The other delay relates to the last works on the new transmitter line which was riddled by a few legal challenges caused by old landowners around Bulawayo.
Mar 19, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
His Excellency the President addresses the St Joseph Catholic Church congregants at St Joseph’s Maphisa. Image The President thanked the Roman Catholic Church for its midwifery on community development and national spiritual nourishment. Image
Feb 8, 2023 18 tweets 3 min read
Anyone who is aware of the West’s strategy during the Mugabe-Mandela era will be familiar with the import of this cheap propaganda stuff which lay scholars now call SOURCES! The West feared a Mugabe-Mandela Alliance and successful planted an intelligence-driven counter-narrative …designed to drive a wedge and rivalry between the two leaders. The fear was that a combination to Mugabe’s resoluteness on about everything, including Land and Politics, and Mandela’s symbolic capital as the world’s most famous prisoner, would create a powerful alliance and
Feb 7, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
HIS EXCELLENCY THE PRESIDENT, DR E.D. MNANGAGWA IS NOW IN MALABO, EQUATORIAL GUINEA AT THE START OF A THREE-DAY STATE VISIT. The President was in Malabo late last year for the inauguration of his counterpart. Zimbabwe and Equatorial Guinea enjoy broad-based relations including in …areas of security, energy and manpower development. Apart from importing oil from Equatorial Guinea, Zimbabwe played host to several students from Equatorial Guinea who horned various skills in Zimbabwean institutions. Several agreements are set to be signed during the State
Oct 11, 2022 13 tweets 2 min read
THE CONTRAST COULD NEVER BE MORE STARK: Zanu-PF has just completed its elections for the Central Committee, itself the Party’s highest body between Congresses. It was elections everywhere, with average participation across provinces hitting above 80%. The turn-up was high, the …process deeply elective, democratic. The results were as much surprising as they were renewing to the Party of Liberation which has also shown itself to be the House of Democracy. The new, the old, the familiar, the unfamiliar, the young, the old: all found space in the
Jul 1, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
KEY DECISIONS ON GOLD COINS: Due to very strong interest in gold coins as instruments for storing value, Government has taken the following steps on the matter:
1)The gold coins can be purchased in all currencies operating in Zimbabwe including ZWL;
2)Buyers of the coins will …enjoy physical possession of coins, accompanied by bearer certificates. Gold is a precious mineral which needs authorised ownership, hence certification.
3)Gold coins are tradable, both inside and outside the country. Equally, they are convertible to cash on need. That makes
Jun 29, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
Kwete kutamba!! #EDWorks! Rasvika Gamba. #EDWorks!!! Image
May 26, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Opening ditty for the engagement with Zimbabwean Community in Zurich, Switzerland. The President makes it a point to meet with Zimbabweans each time he has a foreign fixture. That way, the community in the diaspora are kept in touch with the home situation. Some Zimbabweans came Germany, United Kingdom and Poland. Engagement and Re-engagement embraces Zimbabweans far afield with inputs to make towards development of home, whether by way of ideas or tangible projects. The man who organised the encounter is Ambassador Stuart Comberbach, our man in Geneva.
May 25, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
His Excellency the President, Dr ED Mnangagwa, met with the top leadership of SYNGENTA AGRICHEMICALS who are a diversified seed group which has diversified into climate-adaptation through new seed technologies. Image Zimbabwe faces declining rainfall patterns in different provinces and wishes more drought-resistant seed so it’s better able to cope with climate change. The company has high hopes of helping Zimbabwe become the bread basket of Africa, more so now in circumstances of disruption
May 17, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
DEBUNKING FALSE NARRATIVES ON IMPORTS AND BUY-ZIMBABWE: I see the crew which thinks organised business is worthy of its defence than the hapless consumer - who includes the crew itself - are at it again, misinforming and misleading many Zimbabweans. To place matters in context, …Government which has been supporting industries retool and import raw materials for greater capacity utilisation, has now decided to allow imports on basics whose pricing by local corporates has gone through the roof, hurting the already hard-pressed consumer. Duty has been
May 11, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
HERE IS THE BRUTAL TRUTH: INNSCOR GROUP has bought into most key businesses linked to the meat value chain: your Irvines, your National Foods, your ProFeeds, to create a monopoly running on interlocking board influences. This is not an aberration; it is typical in this economy, …across sectors which dominate key value chains, including those to do with basics. Institutions meant to regulate against monopolies have been dead. In any event, even if they were alive, their reflex is fear of manufacturer boycotts in this highly imperfect market. Now,
May 10, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Not too sure what prompts this high-sounding tweet. There are investigations underway to checkmate serious infractions in banking sector. These require that lending be suspended for a limited period to allow investigations, and to put an end to these infractions which harm the …whole business environment. It is precisely the centrality of banking in business which justifies the drastic intervention which is for a limited period. If govt senses the canker is in a key node in the whole economy, it moves in swiftly, drastically is need be, to stabilise