Lizzie Glithero-West Profile picture
CEO @heritage_ngos lover of aged things, mother. Trustee @theEES ✍️ @culture_baby, advisory @CanalRiverTrust @HistEnvForum, lectures @UniofOxford Views my own.

Jun 29, 2022, 6 tweets

Good to join @atwjackson & @TomOleary72 & colleagues @nationaltrust @Buzz_dont_tweet @HistEnvForum @f_ben87 to hear about #Superbloom at @HRP_palaces @TowerOfLondon - a new park for London & an appropriate, ecologically friendly & beautiful moat for our times. More pics 👇

Loving the colour mixes & the sculptures. There’s also a slide & soundscape. @TowerOfLondon

One for #Frockingfabulous - the Queen’s garden for the #PlatinumJubilee was designed based on the Queen’s coronation dress. #Superbloom

Various seed mixes add patches of different colour & height. #Superbloom

Particularly loved the areas where small mounds added wave-like height & relief. #Superbloom

A final visit also with the wonderful @f_ben87 who leaves @HistEnvForum this week - certainly a metaphor for the legacy she leaves with the team of a transformed new model forum. We will miss you Fran. #Superbloom @TowerOfLondon

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