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Jun 30, 2022, 12 tweets

🧵The Top 10 list 🧵 of reasons why Josh Shapiro would be a clownish, Biden-level disaster as governor of our state:

1. As Attorney General, Shapiro has been Gov. Tom Wolf's loyal clerk.

He rubber-stamped every scandal, every poor decision that crushed businesses and families, and every bit of Wolf's performative activism.

PA doesn't need another clueless, incompetent liberal in charge.

2. Despite launching his SUPER SERIOUS (publicity stunt) investigations of nursing homes for bad handling of COVID, Shapiro turned a blind eye to his boss forcing nursing homes to house COVID-infected residents, killing thousands of elderly Pennsylvanians.…

3. Despite the rampant lawbreaking and unconstitutionality of the COVID business/church shutdown, mask mandates, and school closures, Shapiro lawyered anyone who raised questions. Eventually Pennsylvanians rejected COVID tyranny in a statewide referendum.…

4. He doesn't care about the plague of violent crime in our cities. Shapiro encouraged the lawlessness in summer of 2020 and continues to ignore the record-setting murder spree in Philadelphia. He's allied with all the left-wing activist groups whose goal is to defund the police.

5. He didn't do a thing to stop the University of Pittsburgh's illegal harvesting of organs from babies who were aborted at full-term. These babies' hearts were still beating WHILE the organs were being harvested.…

6. Shapiro couldn't care less about the 2nd Amendment. "Red Flag" laws, 80% lower receiver regulations, banning “military grade weapons” (rifles). When he ran against John Rafferty for AG, Shapiro proudly said his D from the NRA was the main difference between them.

7. Shapiro tingles at the thought of mass immigration and demographic change. He oversaw Biden’s secret landing of illegals in Scranton, led the resettlement of 90,000 Afghanis after Biden's military debacle, and sued President Trump 25 times for trying to fix the border crisis.

8. Shapiro hates Catholics. He attacked priests for political gain, only 2 of whom were ever charged. (He never investigated the rampant sex abuse in PA public schools). He tried to force the Little Sisters of the Poor to violate their religious beliefs (and lost, poor guy).

9. Shapiro planned the election debacle in 2020, both through last-minute rule changes and corruption behind closed doors. He bragged on Twitter about fixing the result, and then blocked audits/scrutiny afterward. Now he wants less ballot security and a federal election takeover.

10. Shapiro’s corrupt dealings with “green energy” lobby and courting of the far left will bankrupt W. Pa. and NEPA. He's taken $10m+ from national conglomerates pushing idiotic policies like Zero Carbon as a trade for PA’s clean natural gas that drastically reduces emissions.

These are 10 big reasons why smart Pennsylvania voters will reject Josh Shapiro and vote for @DougMastriano in November. There are many others. We don’t want another Democrat to kill countless jobs, discard the rule of law, and pour our tax money into the left-wing grift mill.

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