Andrew Cuff Profile picture
Nothing is secret that will not be revealed, neither anything hidden that will not come to light.
Sep 14, 2023 10 tweets 5 min read
Everyone knows the biker gang Hells Angels—one of the few white gangs in the country that is not a prison gang. Culturally interesting on its own.

The history of their name, though, is even better—a tour through aviation lore, Jacobean plays, Howard Hughes, and more. 🧵/1 Image One of the first Hells Angels (you may miss the apostrophe, they don't), Arvid Olson, named the crew when it formed in 1948.

He'd flown with the Flying Tigers B-17 squadron in WW2, who named the 303rd bombardment group after a 1930 Howard Hughes film about WW1 aviation. /2 Image
Oct 6, 2022 18 tweets 7 min read
1/ Ever wondered where the term "Christian Nationalism" came from and why it's suddenly being used by left, right, and center?

My research into this question led to Qatar oil money, British intelligence front groups, Nazis, and worst of all, donor-advised funds. 🧵 Image 2/ I'm eternally suspicious of anything that seems to activate NPCs on a large scale. Especially pseudo-intellectual "theology" or history that smells like propaganda. I like to look deep into nodes and networks where money controls narratives. Image
Jun 30, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
🧵The Top 10 list 🧵 of reasons why Josh Shapiro would be a clownish, Biden-level disaster as governor of our state: Image 1. As Attorney General, Shapiro has been Gov. Tom Wolf's loyal clerk.

He rubber-stamped every scandal, every poor decision that crushed businesses and families, and every bit of Wolf's performative activism.

PA doesn't need another clueless, incompetent liberal in charge. Image