Cyber Detective💙💛 Profile picture
Every day I write about #osint (Open Source Intelligence) tools and techniques. Also little bit about forensics and cybersecurity in general. Work in @netlas_io

Jul 3, 2022, 7 tweets

New search engine from @dancho_danchev developed especially for #osint specialists!
It has many filters and advanced search operators that can help you analyse the information you find more quickly and effectively.
I will talk more about them in this🧵

It's possible to filter results by filetype, language, domain, author, keywords and protocol (https or http) and also sort by date.


All the filters mentioned in the previous tweet are available not only for searching web pages, but also for searching pictures.


The also has many advanced search operators that you rarely see on other search engines:

/smb - search files in SMB servers
/ftp - search files in FTP servers
/location /radius/ /lattitude /longitude - geolocated search


The search results can be downloaded as a JSON file or RSS feed for automated analysis.


Note that this tool has only been launched for two days and it is very interesting to see how it develops further. You can follow updates on the developer's Twitter @dancho_danchev or on his personal blog

#osint #geoint #socmint

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