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Jul 4, 2022, 6 tweets

In 3 days I went to Kentia Hall, Exhibit Hall, the Entertainment Hall, panel in Petree Hall, panel in Main Events + JW Marriott lobby, second floor waiting for Platinum Ballroom, and panel in Platinum Ballroom. I did not do any other events at #AnimeExpo

At the Exhibit Hall, there was a big difference in the readings at the Bandai Namco area between Day 1 and Day 3- it started off strong at around 800 to 900 ppm but by Day 3 it was consistent with the rest of the show floor at 1300 to 1400 ppm

Most of the Exhibit Hall show floor on Day 3 from 1pm to 3pm remained around 1400 - 1500ppm but this area in yellow outline seemed to get to 1700 - 1800+ ppm. I didn't go to the orange outline so I don't know how that was #AnimeExpo #covidsafetyAnimeExpo

Out of all of the areas on all days, the entire basement level had the worst CO2 measurements, including the lobby as well as the walkways and escalators to get to that basement level. The Artist Alley was the worst of the basement. #AnimeExpo #covidsafetyAnimeExpo

Best areas: JW Marriott and on Day 2, most all major panel rooms were around or below 850 ppm even with 80% capacity. Gotta keep those high profile guests safe! #AnimeExpo #covidsafetyAnimeExpo

Heading out from AX! The con promised a vax mandate and mask enforcement but I knew that I'd likely still be in danger. I decided that I'd at least like to know *what* level of danger at any given moment. Hopefully this has been helpful to folks. Stay safe #covidsafetyAnimeExpo

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