Sankrant Sanu सानु संक्रान्त ਸੰਕ੍ਰਾਂਤ ਸਾਨੁ Profile picture
Founder @garudaprakashan. Author, Meditator, Drummer. Advocacy for plural world, indigenous cultures. Book: The English Medium Myth निज भाषा उन्नति

Jul 4, 2022, 9 tweets

Getting the global Left to be apologists for Islam is the single biggest coup that Islamists have pulled off in the West. Using their own resources to target them.

Like having lambs carry the swords for their own slaughter. The Left are the #JihadCoolies.

Of course, Hindu "secular Left" in India are equally complicit #JihadCoolies as well.

It is worth recalling what happened to the Iranian Left after they collaborated in the Islamic takeover of Iran. The Leftists leaders were tortured and forced to publicly "confess" on TV.

The Islamic Regime of Iran tortured and forced the Leftists leaders (who'd helped in the "Islamic revolution") to "confess" and recant their ideology publically, because "The regime considered Marxism the main ideological rival of Islam." Marxism was akin to a religious rival.

"Kianuri was an Iranian Leftist, dubbed the 'Communist Ayatollah' ...he had often appeared on television praising the Islamic Republic as the best bulwark against U.S. imperialism."

This communist later recanted on Marxism was a foreign ideology which betrayed Iranians.

The Islamic Regime had turned on the Left soon after the Revolution, because the Left had started criticizing the regime for their persecution of the Bahai and of women. (note to "feminist" apologists for Islam).

You cannot ride the tiger of Islamism with the hope to "tame" it.

While out of power both Islamists and Communists attack "nationalism" they both become fiercely nationalist when in power. Both China and Iran are hyper-nationalist.

China considers Islam a "mental illness" and Iran executed or imprisoned Marxists after the Islamic Revolution.

Each totalitarian ideology, right-wing Christianity, Islamism and Marxism, knows how to deal with the other.

Plural indigenous societies don't understand the nature of totalitarianisms which seek to erase all others, so are at a loss to deal with them.

Marxism parallels religion was considered a "rival" by the Islamic regime—"Unlike liberalism, nationalism, and monarchism, it challenged religious metaphysics, held out a utopian future, and offered a comprehensive view of the past and the present."


By a combination of
1. Having a home team. There are plenty of Islamic universities in the world, unlike in India where the state destroyed Hindu scholarship.
2. Huge State funding to Western academia
3. Creating victim narrative

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