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Truth - Freedom - Boycott the vax passport 🇺🇸

Jul 6, 2022, 9 tweets

According to the current globe-earth science, the earth's curvature over a distance of 5 miles would be 16 feet high.
How did they construct the LHC tunnels/foundation to be flat over that distance? Is the LHC fake?
#CERN #skepticism #flatearth #WorldWideWeb

#CERN is "birthplace of the World Wide Web". Are they just testing fiberoptic cables?


ATLAS - holding up the world
ALICE - down the rabbit hole
CMS - content management system? Logo looks like a fiberoptic cable
LHCb = "Large Hadron Collider beauty" Weird logo. ГНСР?

Is all of the particle physics/dark matter/black hole/satellite/NASA stuff fake? Created to shape peoples' perceptions?

We still use undersea cables for internet connections. Is the SpaceForce just protecting & patrolling the internet, defending our e-commerce & media industry?

Correction: the earth's bulge height would be a little more than 4' if the LHC diameter were 5 mi, according to this calculator. (I had put 5' in as the radius, oops)

Learned about chords and sagitta today!

Also, some interesting numbers...

at the globe earth's (supposed) radius of 3,958.8 miles...
chord length 6 mile, Arc length 6 mile, Height 6 feet.

🤔 #manisthemeasureofallthings

#BritishImperialUnit #USCustomaryUnit

wait this calculator still fooled me. Was the distance the curve? or the half-chord? That's deceptive! I need to go back to geometry class. 🤣

Like, when did they build this? Don't you need to DIG into the earth to lay pipe? How did they dig up this huuuuge area, and leave the lakes & historic buildings intact? Could they have faked it? Built a set instead?

Erin, they built it. Ok maybe. But they can also send people to the moon in "Interstellar" and other movies. Could at least some aspect of this whole thing be fake? The particles themselves? We have to take their word for it!

Just questions :)

The internet: "A series of tubes"

Temple of Doom
Neighborhood of Make-believe
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

"Come with me, and you'll be... in a world of pure imagination"

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