ThunderB🇺🇸🇮🇱 Avenge Them Profile picture

Jul 8, 2022, 25 tweets

Look at this tweet. Offering BOUNTIES. There was a murder attempt on Kavanaugh just weeks ago

who is this group

They’re a Non Profit NGO

they get NGO tax status for offering BOUNTIES on Supreme Court Justices?

Their website

In addition to offering BOUNTIES on Supreme Court Justices, they also provide mobs on demand

a lot like summer of love activities, but at peoples homes

Zero doubt they also provided “dial a mobs” for the “summer of love” protests of 2020

Got a definitive “Fortifying the Election” feel to it, with hierarchy, legal support, logistical support…

“Affinity Groups” and “Spokes”

So who is their leadership? Their founders? Their patrons?

they dont say

They have 45 “Affinity Groups”. This is what they look like

BLM summer of love

Here they are ready to riot over the 2020 election

“Grass roots” and “small donations”. My ass


Run by the Teamsters Union

And Rising Tide

Rising Tide is part of The Action Network

and The Action Network is Al Sharpton

and Al Sharpton means Obama

this group was part of this, the rent a mob, organized by the unions, to stop Trump at all costs…

So that’s who’s running this op to harass and threaten Supreme Court Justices, even in the after math of a murder attempt on one of them

its the Teamsters, Al Sharpton, and Obama behind it

You would think, in a normal world, the FBI and the DOJ would take a very dim view of a group that offered BOUNTIES on Supreme Court Justices, especially in the aftermath of a murder attempt.

you would think

I very much suspect lefty dark money group Sixteen Thirty Club also provides financial support…

“The money contributed to efforts ranging from fighting Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh”

that’s Sixteen Thirty Fund

And it’s run by a Clintonista

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