ThunderB🇺🇸🇮🇱 Avenge Them Profile picture
Jul 2 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
So according to Bernstein, this has been going on for at least 18 months. Probably more.

But let’s review those months….. Now the msm alleges not to worry, it’s potus by committee. Bidens kitchen cabinet is running the show…
Jun 21 • 18 tweets • 3 min read
I am in Israel to bear witness.

We visited a civil helicopter company whose pilots and machines were pressed into service in the morning hours of 7 October to extract civilians and military who were hit and take them to hospital. They emptied their available aircraft of seats to maximize the number of people who could fit. They spoke of hearing calls coming in from people hiding in the brush, hearing the gunfire of terrorists nearby. Normally they spend three minutes on the ground during a rescue…
Jun 9 • 39 tweets • 12 min read
Let’s look at their account shall we? Following - provides a nice peep at the information network in play here

Jun 3 • 4 tweets • 1 min read

This is wild

An NGO in Minnesota, Feeding our Furture, was tasked with providing food for migrants, specifically Somali migrants.

FOF partnered with a state representative. FOF was barred from the program because of fraud, and a trial is underway… One of the jurors in this fraud trail was contacted by phone and offered a substantial bribe to vote to acquit FOF

The dropped a paper bag with rolls of cash in it totaling $120,000, with a promise of more to come Image
Jun 2 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
Why didn’t the Mossad know what was going on between Gaza and the Sinai?

Why didn’t we?

How did this get ignored? This org is supposed to be monitoring the peace agreement between Egypt and Israel

They have posts all over the Sinai

How did they not know? This is there entire mission…
Jun 2 • 7 tweets • 1 min read
Bin Laden hid next to Pakistans west point.

Are we sure Sinwar and the gang aren't at some safe house in Sinai Like the MFO in Sinai, close to Gaza
May 30 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
So this is concerning

1. The dead man had no ID on him

2. The company is NOT responding to inquiries from the sheriff’s office who is investigating

3. The dead man isn’t on ANY government databases, including labor 4. The Sheriff’s department has the dead man’s phone

5. The altercation was in the dark.

Sun set at 8:06 pm that night Image
May 14 • 17 tweets • 4 min read
May 4 • 9 tweets • 1 min read
So in French Cafe in Florida Beach town and woman talking about how her kids got arrested for trespass at UNF. Of course cops were racist according to her Boarding plane and protestors were talking about the success of their sit in
Apr 29 • 31 tweets • 8 min read

Let’s look at the legal network underpinning Tentifada.

I’m going to focus on one city, Austin Texas. Although their reach is beyond Austin

Stop Cop City is an Antifa movement out of Atlanta GA

But they’re telling protestors to contact ALG if arrested Image ALG is Austin Lawyers Guild.

They haven’t posted since Biden was elected, but they’re apparently still very very active Image
Apr 25 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Apr 16 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Mar 31 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
I was having breakfast with family at a posh hotel that is known for their fabulous Easter Brunch

We were not at that brunch, but in another restaurant in the hotel with a sun room.

As we ate, about 8 PETA protestors arrived, with bull horns, sirens, and chants…. So loud, conversation was difficult, and very irritating to my son with Asperger’s.

They were protesting fois gras, screaming at people eating Easter brunch

The folly is that

1. We don’t celebrate Easter
2. Half of our party is vegetarian
3. They don’t serve fois gras
Mar 29 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
1. Same sloppy look. Same notebooks.

Did they identify themselves as FBI?

I didn’t hear that 2. Same sloppy look. Same notebook. Hard to hear but he does identify himself as a special agent, and he leaves a card
Mar 29 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
Alarming right?

Who made this video?

Thread Oh Image
Mar 29 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
@KyleSeraphin @FBI Right.

Feels like a CAIR training video for community organizers @KyleSeraphin @FBI This is the creator of the video Image
Mar 22 • 43 tweets • 7 min read
This is a podcast link, worth your while if you want to understand how it happened... It was a Division level attack (10k fighters)

3 waves
1. Special forces
2. Infantry
3. Finally Militias

Starts with 3k rockets at 6:30 am. Barrage was unique
Mar 3 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
17 years in the military.

Got out last year (didn’t want to hang around for 3 more to get retirement? 🧐)

Not Active Duty Image Image
Mar 1 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Isn’t this the lab in Winnipeg?

The one with the CCP head scientist who was ferrying samples of bio weapons back and forth?…