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Jul 9, 2022, 18 tweets

15 Less famous/Underrated TV series to watch - Ranked

(A Thread) Personal Opinion
#TopTen2blue #Series

15. #TheManInTheHighCastle (4s - 40epi)
What if the World war 2 results are different..

14. #TheLeftovers (3s - 28epi)
2% of world population disappeared..

13. #Rectify (4s - 30epi)
After serving 19years in prison, he found not guilty. Now how the society will treat him..

12. #TheOrville (3s - 30+epi)
Space tv show.
Pretty funny and entertaining

11. #TheAffair (5s - 53epi)
Affair leads to lots of drama. Told in different characters perspectives..

10. #UnderTheDome (3s - 39epi)
Lots of dumb and logicless thing happens. But its unique concept and entertaining content makes it worth watching..

9. #GodFriendedMe (2s - 42epi)
God gave friend request to human in facebook...

8. #TeenWolf (6s - 100epi)
First Season was really great. Rest seasons are superb entertainment..

7. #LockedUp (4s - 51epi)
First 2 seasons are just 🤘💥

6. #Rush (10epi)
Doctor who treats only bad guys..

5. #Blindspot (5s - 100epi)
S1 ending 💥. This series don't slow down anywhere....

4. #TheHandmaidsTale (4s - 46epi)
Lots of disturbing content and make you angry.. Lots of mass moments too

3. #Chuck (5s - 91epi)
Comedy + entertainment + sci fi

2. #12Monkeys (4s - 47epi)
Lots of time travel things are happening.
But everything is easy to understand..

1. #Forever 2014 (22epi)
Man who never die$..
Unexpected Banger 💥💥
Hooked me till the end...

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