Penny Mordaunt Profile picture
Watch this Space 😉 Hon Captain RNR. Author of ‘Greater: Britain After the Storm’.

Jul 9, 2022, 10 tweets

I hope in, in the next few days we’ll able to discuss how we get our economy growing again and enable our citizens to live well. Right now, I’d like to address another question that I’ve been asked:

Yes I do. I am a woman. (here’s a recent pic on me in from @thetimes ). I always dress in a swimsuit for the newspapers. Like many of you, I’m used to being patronised & misrepresented. Thank you @ashleyljames
@PregnantScrewed @CdreMelRobinson @PN_TomCotterill for calling it out

I am biologically a woman. If I have a hysterectomy or mastectomy, I am still a woman. And I am legally a woman.
Some people born male and who have been through the gender recognition process are also legally female. That DOES NOT mean they are biological women, like me.

All my life, I’ve fought for gender equality. I’ve stood up for women. I’ve listened to them. I’ve been right alongside them in every major battle. I make sure policy is focussed on them. Just look at my track record.

My work resulted in a comprehensive road map of what any government should be focussing on for women at every stage of their lives. It remains relevant today.

During my tenure at @GEOgovuk I challenged the trans orthodoxy with real and genuine concern, especially the volume girls referred into trans services. I set up this Inquiry.

On sport, I raised this years ago. This was important to me because I’ve trained alongside men in the Navy. I support a science-based approach. @uk_sport has done good work, as have @sharrond62 @Daley_thompson and others. The biology is overwhelming important.

It was me that changed maternity legislation that was drafted in gender neutral language ( by another) to use female terms. I have also defended free speech on these issues.

Some want to damage my reputation for whatever reason. They want to depict me as ‘woke’. I was elected by the no-nonsense, down-to-earth people of Portsmouth North. It was a Labour seat. I’ve increased my vote share at each election.
I refer you to their judgment.

I’ve fought for women’s rights all my life. I would NEVER do anything to undermine them. I will continue to protect them.

And those that purport to be champions of women while misrepresenting and undermining them might like to think again.

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