Penny Mordaunt Profile picture
Watch this Space 😉 Hon Captain RNR. Author of ‘Greater: Britain After the Storm’.
Peteharcourt Profile picture 1 subscribed
Mar 11, 2023 6 tweets 6 min read
Tonight was pretty special. Nearly 5 years ago I watched @MusicManProject rock the @RoyalAlbertHall. I’d played a small part in the plan by Sir David Amess to get them there and pack the place out. Here’s the video I took that night where he set out their plan to play Broadway.. The @MusicManProject is an education charity that enables people with learning disabilities to learn and most importantly enjoy music. They have played some of the UKs most prestigious venues. Tonight it was @RoyalAlberHall again…
Jan 13, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
In the 2010 Parliament I secured funding to build our city new flood defences. Today I visited the construction base for an update. They are transforming the coastal path and will protect us from events so rare and severe they occur once in 500 years… As well as stopping flooding they are improving the area. With seating and picnic areas, bird hides, new green areas and walking routes…
Jul 20, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Today’s news of the latest increase in the annual rate of inflation to 9.4% justifies fully my economic measures of targeted tax cuts which are non-inflationary and help people through this cost of living crisis.

#PM4PM Image Of the three candidates left in this race I am prepared to take action with timely and targeted fiscal measures that are necessary, non-inflationary and affordable.

Jul 15, 2022 15 tweets 7 min read
"I have spoken truth to power.

I have always called out things that have to change"

#PM4PM "We all stood together on a manifesto, and we have an obligation to deliver."

Jul 9, 2022 10 tweets 6 min read
I hope in, in the next few days we’ll able to discuss how we get our economy growing again and enable our citizens to live well. Right now, I’d like to address another question that I’ve been asked: Yes I do. I am a woman. (here’s a recent pic on me in from @thetimes ). I always dress in a swimsuit for the newspapers. Like many of you, I’m used to being patronised & misrepresented. Thank you @ashleyljames
@PregnantScrewed @CdreMelRobinson @PN_TomCotterill for calling it out
Apr 15, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
I wanted to learn about how @alliancetexas has been created, a 27,000-acre development delivering $100bn for the region. Lessons for the UK to help us achieve the best border in the world and maximise Freeports. @HillwoodDevelop @UKinTX #DITStateSide Image Multi-modal traditional freight traffic meets drones and autonomous vehicles…#DITStateSide
Jan 22, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
Brilliant event with @Alone_Soldiers. Commemorations and celebrations, opening two new yurts. These will provide warmer accommodation for the veterans camp at Cumberland fort. Well done everyone 👍🏼 Gary and his team paid moving tributes to all those they serve, and today to Marc who they lost in recent weeks. When these guys invest so much in each other it is very tough for the team when a life is lost.
Oct 24, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
My colleagues and I voted against an amendment to the Environment Bill passing unlimited costs onto consumers.

Discharges can only be stopped by new infrastructure. The Bill I supported allows the mandate to accelerate this with an urgent action plan.

Here are the facts: The Environment Bill I voted for means Govt. must produce:

an action plan with dates to reduce discharge.

The detail of what is needed to eliminate discharges from storm overflows in England, and the costs and benefits of those actions. 

Deadline for this is no later than 9/22