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My previous account was: NotHunterBiden (DosmasDos618)

Jul 10, 2022, 7 tweets


In early 2022 Jewish Ukrainian MMA fighter Maxim #Ryndovskiy was abducted, tortured and killed by #AZOV.
GORE videos of the torture were shared on social media, as a “warning” for anyone that wants to “follow his steps”
Who loves to showcase their crimes like this?...


What was #Ryndovskiy crime?
He trained with the Chechen MMA Akhmat, a club considered one of the top MMA clubs in the world, fighters like Alexander Emelianenko, UFC champion Fabrício Werdum and Said Nurmagomedov have trained in Akhmat.
His crime was “trying to be better”...


Part of the footage of #Ryndovskiy torture.
Who loves to showcase their crimes like this?


Who did this?
All the clues point to #AZOV -a well-known neo-Nazi group-. Several members of Azov are involved in the MMA scene (like Maksym Kagal, Denis Nikitin and Ivan Strelnikov),
(Strelnikov was forced to cover his ‘wolfsangel’ tattoo in a televised fight)


A HATE crime full of jealusy and envy
AZOV fighters -like Strelnikov- are basically mediocre.
Meanwhile #Ryndovsky was the winner of Ukraine Combat Sambo in 2014, 2015, 2016, winner of the European and World Sambo championships, honored Master of Sports of Ukraine, etc.


#Ryndovsky won’t be forgotten.
He's not the only case.
Is not EVEN the worst case of #NAZI HATE crimes in Ukraine.
But before his case, I was not involved in sharing facts.
I'm not a Kremlin bot.
i'm more dangerous.
I'm eager for justice.



Material recovered from Azov accounts have "exclusive" scenes from the Ryndovsky torture.

From: t.me/UkraineHumanRi…
"We believe the Azov fighter that made this material was involved in MMA fighter Maxim Ryndovsky murder"

(Notice: I can't share the scenes here)

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