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For over 3,000 years no one has hindered human progress more than a certain group, a group of TRAITORS who consider themselves “chosen” above all others.
5 subscribers
Mar 2 13 tweets 5 min read
Europe has a LONG tradition of attacking – and being defeated by – Russia.
This has happened on at least 10 major occasions.

1. XII century; Russia suffered the Mongol invasions, so "Europe’s hyena", Poland🇵🇱, used the occasion to seize Russian territory. (Later lost it). Image 🧵/

2. In 1240–1242, the "Teutonic Knights" invaded Russia, under the pretext of “evangelizing the pagans,” only to be defeated by the great Alexander Nevsky.

Jan 14 7 tweets 4 min read
On January 21, 2025, a rare planetary alignment will occur, that will include:

- Venus
- Jupiter
- Mars
- Uranus
- Neptune and

Yes, Saturn, the Jewish planet, as the ominous cover of The Economist showed us… Image 2/
It is well known that The Economist is the pamphlet of the Rothschild family.
It is well known that its covers are often predictive, not because there is anything magical behind it, but because the Elites love to use symbols to boast about the plans they have been brewing… Image
Dec 1, 2024 11 tweets 6 min read
Terrorist in Syria thread.
w/data by @Trenchmates
First, there are 2 main groups:

1. Non-Takfiri
Paid by Turkey🇹🇷.
Formed by traitors + fighters from Asia and Caucasus.

2. Takfiri
Paid by CIA/Mossad🇺🇸🇮🇱.
Mostly Foreign fighters, including ISIS and Al-Qaeda veterans. Image @Trenchmates 2/
A Takfiri is a Muslim who accuses another Muslim (or a Christian) of apostasy, and under that pretext, they consider it legitimate and even OBLIGATORY to exterminate or ENSLAVE the "false believers"
Just like Jewish Zionism!
(Yes, they were created by the CIA/Mossad) Image
Oct 15, 2024 11 tweets 6 min read
Jewish lovers love to talk about their "Nobel Prizes," but we must not forget what many of these awards really represent.
Example, the damn Jewish economists -like Milton Friedman-, the very ones who have created this nonsense of a world in perpetual DEBT, of cyclical crisis. Image 2/
Or the six Jews who have won the Nobel Peace Prize, including "The Beltway Butcher"; Henry A. Kissinger, or Elie Wiesel, "Chairman of "The President's Commission on the Holocaust."
Yes, I'm not kidding, they are some of the winners, while true symbols, like Gandhi, never won. Image
Sep 8, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
Where does the number "6 million" come from?

This is the Hebrew letter VAV
In Gematria the value of this letter is 6.
One letter VAV is missing in the original Hebrew text of Leviticus 25:13 Image 2/
Leviticus 25
“In this Jubilee year, each man shall return to his land.”

The Hebrew word for return is "Ta’Shu’vu"
Normally, this word would be spelled with an additional ‘vav’ (the vowel for the “U”).
But in that scroll, the word only has one ‘vav’ instead of two.
Sep 8, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
CHABAD's dark horse.
According to the Talmud, the Laws of Noah were given by God as a covenant with NOAH and his children (the humanity).
The symbol of the agreement was a rainbow (Genesis 9:13).
These laws do NOT appear in the Bible, they were “derived via exegesis” Image 2/
The most important Jewish exegete, Maimonides states that anyone who does not accept the seven laws of Noah is to be executed.
And although few know it, these laws were OFFICIALLY recognized by the US Congress during the GW Bush administration, in Public Law 102-14. 👇 Image
Aug 7, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
Many people "think" they "know Judaism" because they have read the Old Testament.
They have NO IDEA:

- The Hebrew Bible (Old Testament): 306,757 words
- The New Testament: ONLY 144,000 words
- The Talmud: +2M words
- The Zohar: +1.8M words
- Mishneh Torah: +1.8M words
- Etc. Image 2/
What am I trying to say?
Christianity practically "closed" its cannon after the 2nd century AD.
(There were other authors, like St. Augustine, but no one considers their books "holy.")
Instead the Jews have continued to write "holy texts" for the last 2,000 years!
Example... Image
Aug 5, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
@SamParkerSenate Why did the J€ws ✡️choose to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki? ☢️
Because they had the largest concentration of Christians in Japan 🇯🇵.
In fact, for “targeting purposes”, the bombing team used specifically St. Mary’s Urakami Cathedral, the largest Christian church in East Asia. Image @SamParkerSenate 2/

- Nagasaki Area Target Chart AND Hiroshima Area Target Chart "strangely disappeared" from the National Archives. ()
- Urakami Cathedral was located in a residential district significantly north of the Mitsubishi’s shipyard (a more "logical" target) archives.gov/research/recov…
Jul 29, 2024 16 tweets 7 min read
Did you know that the leaders of the #Munich 1972 terrorist attack were J€wish, and/or members of the Mossad?
Sorry to bring you down from your cloud.

Thread below.👇 Image 2/
Let's start.
The strangest part of this topic is the PEOPLE involved.

Who committed the crime?
Officially it was the Black September (BS) organization
A strange little known “organization" that was NOT heard of again after 1973!
Who was the leader of BS?... Image
Jul 13, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
@cirnosad Great thread as always brother @cirnosad, but there seems to be a confusion.
Quick summary w/maps:

-1200 BC
Egypt OWNS most of Canaan, Ramesses II is fighting the well documented Battle of Kadesh (near Damaskus) against the Hittites (the largest chariot battle in history). Image @cirnosad 2/
- 1100 BC
Invasion of the people of the sea w/strong steel weapons, dominating the bronze that the Egyptians still used.
The Egyptians left Canaan to concentrate on defending the Nile.
Without the Egyptians, the Phoenician took the opportunity to develop their civilization. 👇 Image
Jul 10, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
@hpnot1q @martian_lore @cirnosad Do✡️s worship Satan?
You decide.
This is what they believe:

Satan is bribed with a gift, which he accepts, thereby becoming a defender of Yakov (Israel).
(cf. Rabbenu Behaya 25:28)
The Zohar makes clear that Israel must always give a portion of "the profits" to the "other side". Image @hpnot1q @martian_lore @cirnosad 2/
That gift was actually "the sins of Israel", loaded up on a goat.
So the gift was the sacrifice of a living animal adorned with sin (very attractive to Satan).
What stops them from using a CHILD instead of a goat?
They see it as an act of obedience and Kidush HaShem.
Jul 10, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
Sexual services.
A person who engages in sexual activity for money.

Textual services.
A person who engages in textual activity for money.

In the last few decades, the ENTIRE mainstream press became TEXTITUTES at the service of the ✡️s.
Blackrock/Vanguard Image 2/
And who owns Blackrock?

Blackrock is the main shareholder of Vanguard.
Vanguard is the main shareholder of Blackrock.

Vanguard owns Blackrock owns Vanguard.
The snake that eats itself. Image
Jun 17, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Most people outside of America have no idea of ​​the ABERRATIONS that #Dispensationalists pastors preach, let’s make a 🧵:

John Hagee
“Israel is not just a state. Israel is the apple in God's eye. Israel is the shining city on the hill. Israel is the first born child of God.” Image 2/
#Dispensationalists pastors thread 🧵:

Gary Hamrick:
“4000 years ago, God gave the Jews PROPERTY TITLE to this land (white area). But the (dumb) Nations have only recognized a portion (the blue part)” 🤡 Image
May 31, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
1/ Book burning 🧵
Jews are instructed to burn, publicly if possible, any copy of the New Testament that comes into their hands.
In 1980, a ceremonial burning of the New Testament occurred In Jerusalem under the auspices of Yad Le'akhin, and the Israeli 🇮🇱 Ministry of Religions. Image 2/
Jews incinerated the book of prayers at Jerusalem’s Dormition Abbey, shortly after Pope Francis visited the site.
The abbey is next to the Cenacle – the site of Pope Francis’ visit, said to be where the Last Supper took place. Image
Apr 17, 2024 10 tweets 5 min read
1/🧵 #PURIM
On Feb, 1994, Baruch Goldstein entered “the Cave of the Patriarchs” armed with assault rifles, killed 29, wounded 125 people.
He wanted to kill them ALL, but the Palestinians were able to subdue him.
This occurred during the Jewish holiday of #PURIM

What is Purim?... Image
On #PURIM, Jews celebrate the date they committed a “preventive-genocide” of 75,000 people, under the argument that their leader “planned to attack the Jews".

It is assumed that this leader -Haman- was a descendant of “AMALEK” (A mythical rival nation of Israel) Image
Mar 4, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Why are Jews🇮🇱 so willing about committing Genocide?
Maybe because their bible indicates SEVERE punishments if they REFUSE to do so.

3 examples from "The Book of Numbers"
At the beginning, the people murmur against God's warmongering, so they were punished by fire. Image 2/
Then, the Israelites refuse to enter the "promised" land to make war.
So Yahweh decrees that the Israelites will be punished for their "loss of faith" by having to wander in the wilderness for 40 years. Image
Feb 27, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
The Coin-clipping thread
Why did Jews🇮🇱 get expelled from England 🇬🇧 in 1290?

Any mainstream media will tell you that it was "pure anti-Semitism"
That they were not "really" guilty of usury and “Coin-clipping” (a form of fraud that damaged the English economy).
Reality is... Image 2/
...is different:
Meir ben Baruch -leading rabbi of Germany-, was not blind to the misdeeds of his own people
In a letter, Meir accepted that the English Jews were lying and "robbing the Gentiles," adding.

“How much blood was spilled due to these clippers of coins!” Image
Feb 25, 2024 12 tweets 5 min read
Is the Jewish messiah the antichrist?
In Judaism, the messiah (Moloch Mashiach / מלך משיח) is not a savior of the world, but a KING of Israel who will lead Judea to world domination.

This is what the Midrash notes:
"When the banner of the annointed king shall be lifted-up..." Image 2/
"When the banner of the annointed king shall be lifted-up, all the masts of ships belonging to the nations of the world shall be broken... all the languages belonging to the nations shall be made useless, and their customs shall be rendered null and void" Image
Feb 19, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
Israel 🇮🇱 is the most racist state of all time.
The Beta Israel community is made up of BLACK JEWS, originally from Ethiopia, and is more than 1,000 years old.
It happens that in Israel the women of that community received -without being informed- BIRTH CONTROL medications. Image 2/
The contraceptive administered was Depo-Provera, a long-acting medication (may lead to infertility for up to 2 years), and with multiple potential side effects, including depression. Image
Feb 14, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
For centuries, Jews🇮🇱 have been accused of child sacrifice (Blood Libel)
They say it is false, that it is not part of their history, that it is an anti-Semitic accusation, etc.
But then, thousands of Jews stage a CHILD SACRIFICE (Chicago 1933)
Seriously WHY would they be celebrating this?

In the Hebrew Bible, there is mention of an "entity", Moloch, to whom sacrifices of children were made.
But curiously, the Hebrew word for Moloch is Mlek (מלך), and that means KING. Image
Jan 20, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
Jews essentially invented religious GENOCIDE, that is called:

ANATHEMA (חֵרֶם)

Conquered cities, men, women, children, possessions, and even their animals, were dedicated as sacrifices

- Joshua 6:17-19
"May this city, and ALL that is in it, be an ANATHEMA to YHWH" Image 2/🧵
"Why have Jews been persecuted throughout history?"

The question should be:
**Why have the Jews have HATED all other peoples throughout history?**

- Deuteronomy 20:16
"[You] must not leave anything that breathes" Image