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May 31 8 tweets 3 min read
1/ Book burning 🧵
Jews are instructed to burn, publicly if possible, any copy of the New Testament that comes into their hands.
In 1980, a ceremonial burning of the New Testament occurred In Jerusalem under the auspices of Yad Le'akhin, and the Israeli 🇮🇱 Ministry of Religions. Image 2/
Jews incinerated the book of prayers at Jerusalem’s Dormition Abbey, shortly after Pope Francis visited the site.
The abbey is next to the Cenacle – the site of Pope Francis’ visit, said to be where the Last Supper took place. Image
Feb 25 12 tweets 5 min read
Is the Jewish messiah the antichrist?
In Judaism, the messiah (Moloch Mashiach / מלך משיח) is not a savior of the world, but a KING of Israel who will lead Judea to world domination.

This is what the Midrash notes:
"When the banner of the annointed king shall be lifted-up..." Image 2/
"When the banner of the annointed king shall be lifted-up, all the masts of ships belonging to the nations of the world shall be broken... all the languages belonging to the nations shall be made useless, and their customs shall be rendered null and void" Image
Feb 14 5 tweets 2 min read
For centuries, Jews🇮🇱 have been accused of child sacrifice (Blood Libel)
They say it is false, that it is not part of their history, that it is an anti-Semitic accusation, etc.
But then, thousands of Jews stage a CHILD SACRIFICE (Chicago 1933)
Seriously WHY would they be celebrating this?

In the Hebrew Bible, there is mention of an "entity", Moloch, to whom sacrifices of children were made.
But curiously, the Hebrew word for Moloch is Mlek (מלך), and that means KING. Image
Dec 15, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
1/ Quick Mormon thread🧵

One of the worst examples of Christian Zio-nism are the Mormons.
They believe in the literal gathering of Israel. That "all" of the lost tribes will be returned and gathered together for the second coming of Christ Image 2/
Mormon thread🧵
Members of the church receive patriarchal blessings in which their lineage is declared.
They are declared as being a descendent of "one of the 12 tribes of Israel".
So, they believe they are Jews.

Image: Mormon Congregation Attends Jewish Shabbat Service. Image
Nov 12, 2023 25 tweets 9 min read
The #scofieldbible thread.

“Christ will rule with Israel during a 1000-year earthly reign”

Yes, that's the nonsense that American Evangelical Christians believe.
That's how all the presidents were raised (except Kennedy).
All based on LIES spread just over 100 years ago... Image 2/
What Lies?
"In the early XX century, a “new American Bible” appeared. It was the product of a school of theological thinking known as "Dispensationalism", that scripture, The Scofield Bible, would become the CORE text of the White American Evangelism"
- Donald Harman Akenson Image
Oct 9, 2023 19 tweets 8 min read
Did you know that 🇮🇱Israel has NO LEGAL BORDERS?
And that its territory GROWS consistently every year?
The reason?
The Hebrew Bible:

Joshua 1:4
"Your territory will extend from the desert to the River Euphrates..."

Yes, they REALLY plan to grow to Iraq/Turkey at some point. 2/
Because it doesn't matter what YOU believe.
What matters is what some of the most powerful people believe (from the Soros and Rothschild families, to A. Blinken)
So, if you want to understand, you better open that book.
This is the "promised land" that they consider theirs.
👇 Image
Sep 28, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
The #RussianSoul
For us, westerners, it is shocking to see the "lunar landscape" that the war scenes in Ukraine show
This is not the one-way destruction that NATO is used to in the third world, it is a WW2-level clash.
How can they continue, why don't they stop?... Image 2/

Because it is a confrontation between Slavs, it is a confrontation between Russians and Ukrainians, two states with “#Russiansoul”
A term that was curiously coined by Nikolái Gógol, a Ukrainian man.
What does this mean?... Image
Aug 7, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Nigeria’s Senate rejects military intervention in #Niger.
What next for France and the Western imperialists?

They will surely follow the "Syrian formula", TRAIN and ARM radical terrorist, such as the infamous #BokoHaram, to harass Niger's new government. Image 2/
Yes, #BokoHaram, the cruel terrorist group that has tortured and killed an estimated 50,000 people

In 2012, an investigation by The Nigerian Tribune confirmed that Boko Haram's funding came from the UK and the CIA.

Yes, just like Hillary Clinton's #ISIS Image
Mar 5, 2023 15 tweets 7 min read
The #UkrainianLanguage thread. A fascist tale.

Can you imagine an American president that did not speak English well?
Did you know that VLADIMIR #Zelensky only learned Ukrainian until he was almost 40 years old?

Even today, Zelensky still can’t... Image 2/
Zelensky still can’t speak Ukrainian quickly
Zelensky does not know many specific words in Ukrainian
Zelensky usually switches to Russian, even when Ukrainian is easy to learn for a Russian speaker (both languages arise from the Old East Slavic language)

And this is not... Image
Feb 11, 2023 15 tweets 9 min read
The #GLADIO thread

Do you think that #NordStream was the first US-Terrorist attack against Europe?
Think again.
Let us talk about Operation Gladio, the CIA-NATO operation behind multiple terrorist attacks in Europe, most of them in Italy during the "Years of Lead" (1960–1980) Image 2/
The #GLADIO thread

Operation Gladio (the "common" name for the US-Sponsored False Flag Terrorism in Europe) is not a "conspiracy theory", but a FACT.
Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti revealed Gladio's existence to the Italian parliament in 1990.
Anti-Fascist rally
👇 Image
Feb 2, 2023 12 tweets 10 min read
Who really beat the #Nazis?

75–80% of casualties the Wehrmacht happened against the #RedArmy
The EASTERN front saw 4 of the 5 BIGGEST battles in the entire HUMAN history:

1. Siege of Leningrad
2. Battle of Stalingrad
3. Siege of Baghdad*
4. Battle of Berlin
5. Battle of Kiev Image 2/
One example:
In Kursk, the #RedArmy defeated a #Nazi force of almost 1 MILLION men, 2,928 tanks and 2,110 aircraft

D-Day was a MINOR operation by comparison:
In Normandy, the Allies only faced 50,000 Axis men, including reservists and teenagers, with NO tanks and NO aircraft ImageImage
Jan 19, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
This is ODD.
Several countries are sending extra weapons to the #Ukronazis, but #Northrop Grumman -one of the biggest weapons makers in the world- is printing a massive DOWN candle (-20%), the biggest drop in 10 years.
The stock is back at PRE-WAR levels.
What do they know? ImageImage 2/

@LorenzoRamirez_ proposed an interesting theory:

1. The US wants to crush the European weapons makers
2. So the US is just waiting to have the burning Leopards pictures to say, “See?, your weapons are trash, you need OUR weapons” Image
Jan 9, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
This is worrisome for BRICS
👇 2/

Why Lula supports the climate Hoax? (Already rejected by Russia, China and India)
Jan 8, 2023 4 tweets 4 min read
Anatoliy #Tymoshchuk, the best football player in the history of #Ukraine, he pushed UKR to 8th place in the '06 World Cup
He’s one of 119 sports/cultural figures sanctioned by Zelensky, all his assets frozen, and all his awards revoked.

His crime? “Lack of comment on the war”🤐 Image I’m an Orwellian way, no evidence has been presented to support the claims against #Tymoshuck other than “lack of comment on the war”

Fortunately the rest of the world do remember Tymoshuck.
Jan 6, 2023 12 tweets 9 min read
The #Subway thread

North Korea vs NYC

This is what happens when all the money is wasted on foreign wars. ImageImage 2/

The #Subway thread

Jinchuan (China) vs NYC

This is what happens when all the money is wasted in foreign wars. ImageImage
Jan 3, 2023 4 tweets 4 min read
Did you know that more French soldiers fought on the #NAZI side than the Allied side?
That's why there is no "official French history" of the Second World War.
Thousands took part in the Soviet Union invasion.
👇 ImageImage This was stated by @TimothyDSnyder (Levin Professor of History at Yale), he held this lecture at an expert talk at the German Bundestag on 20th June 2017.
👇 Image
Dec 31, 2022 17 tweets 17 min read

Some people still think that Russia is fighting "just another war", instead of a literal war against Satanism and Neo-Paganism.


Some people believe that when Putin declared that this war was against Western 'satanism', he was delusional.
cc. @amber63111661 @eschatologyguy @elbosqueperdido @GinaMacina60 ImageImageImageImage
Nov 29, 2022 9 tweets 7 min read

WHO really owns #Ukraine - Thread

Do you know that the size of the #Ukrainian 🇺🇦 land owned by #American 🇺🇸 companies is much bigger than Crimea?

- Crimea: 2.7 million hectares.
- Land in Ukraine Owned by (mostly) American companies: 3.3 to 6 million hectares.

👇 Image 2/

No, this is not a joke, this is not "Kremlin propaganda"


(Data from LandMatrix, a trusted independent global land monitoring initiative funded by the European Commission) ImageImage
Nov 3, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read

#London is the main target

9 minutes
In just 9 minutes after launch, a hypersonic thermonuclear missile can erase London.

There is nothing NATO could do to stop a hypersonic missile.
“But #Nato will strike back!”
And risk Berlin, Paris, and Brussels in the next 9m? Image 2/
Why nuking the UK?

The Casus Belli is clear.
The UK is directly involved in attacks on Russia, including Nord Stream, Crimea bridge, and Sevastopol.

As @KimDotcom stated, Liz Truss's phone was hacked, Russia has enough evidence. ImageImage
Oct 15, 2022 8 tweets 6 min read
Thread of Threads about the 🇺🇦#Ukraine #Nazi situation. You won't find this in Bloomberg or CNN.
👇 First.
The 🇺🇦#Ukraine #Nazi situation began in the XIX century (the dawn of ultranationalism), but the current crisis started in 2014.
Some key points.

Oct 12, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
The “Slava Ukraini” Slogan

Slava Ukraini is not an old mantra from an ancient era, but a fascist cry created in 1941 by the genocidal OUN (Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists)
Well, not exactly created, but adopted; Slava Ukraini is an adaptation of… Image 2/

…of “Slava Hitler”, better known as “Heil Hitler.”

In fact, according to the OUN, when a person says “Slava Ukraini” his right hand must be RAISED to the right, at a level just above the top of the head.
Like this scene in a typical #Ukrainian school👇

But there is more… Image