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Kiwi tweeting info on California fires. Tweets not official & should not be treated as such. I work for @watchdutyapp. 🇳🇿 Download WD:

Jul 10, 2022, 8 tweets

#WashburnFire (Yosemite NP) - Last mapped a few hours ago @ 1,821 acres. Just now looking to get HelCo back to the fire to assess whether copters can resume work (no copters or tankers due to visibility right now). Map via #FireMappers:

#WashburnFire (Yosemite NP) - There is a ridge they want to paint w/ retardant (possibly the one running east-west from yesterday near Wawona Point) & the air looks clear enough for it per the HelCo, ordering an Air Attack + lead plane back to the fire to confirm.

#WashburnFire (Yosemite NP) - Air Attack requesting 3 large air tankers & 1 VLAT back to the fire, they'll be painting this ridge below in blue, which was also partially done yesterday until visibility shut it down.

#WashburnFire (Yosemite NP) - Fire Watch 51 has mapped the fire @ 2,045 acres now. The fire is close to the Merced River, but nothing across it yet. Nothing across Hwy 41/Wawona Rd yet either. There was another spot out in front but it's already consumed by the main fire.

#WashburnFire (Yosemite NP) - This retardant operation is finished** w/ tankers being released as they finish their drops. T910 just dropped & is released (spot the retardant below). HelCo being requested as they may restart the copters in Div Y working north towards the river.

#WashburnFire (Yosemite NP) - Fire Watch 51's map from just before is already available on #FireMappers. The northern side of the fire is right down to the Merced River in the 2nd image. ~1/10th of a mile from being into Sierra NF in 3rd image. Link:

#WashburnFire (Yosemite NP) - Copters have been off the fire for the night for about an hour now. Firing operations have been occurring this evening on the S/W side of the fire including near Hwy 41 & they are about 30-45 minutes from finishing per radio traffic.

#WashburnFire (Yosemite NP) - Mapping is in from 10pm tonight: 2,340 acres. 2nd image is looking north (note the new heat on S/W side from firing ops). 3rd image is looking west to east along the river drainage - no heat detected on the other side at that time.

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