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Observing Asian interactions and Australia-Asia relations.

Jul 11, 2022, 7 tweets

New Zealand: The Third China-New Zealand Symposium on Non-communicable Diseases held. #nzpol…

New Zealand: PRC participants included Xu Jie, 徐捷deputy director of International Cooperation Dept of China's Ministry of Science and Technology, Wang Genhua, 王根华 political counselor of PRC Embassy,

New Zealand: Also participating was Fan Ling 范玲, deputy director of the China National Centre for Biotechnology Development. 中国生物技术发展中心

New Zealand participants included Clinton Watson, Science and Innovation Counsellor in NZ embassy Beijing and Professor Jim Mann, director New Zealand – China Non-Communicable Diseases Research Collaboration Centre (Uni of Otago) #nzpol

New Zealand: For various of the avenues by which the PRC gains access to New Zealand research results and genetic data, see these projects:….

"NZ-China Research Collaboration Centres are an initiative of the NZ Government to coordinate and maximise collaboration opportunities with China across the priority themes of food safety and security, water research and non-communicable diseases, for the benefit of NZ’s science"

New Zealand: Note that this event is only reported on the Chinese-language page of the PRC embassy's website #nzpol

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