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Its always darkest before the sunrise....

Jul 11, 2022, 10 tweets

New πŸ”₯πŸ”₯: Jericho March organizers quickly pivoted to promote the #Jan6th Trump rally at the Capitol within days after a late night impromptu meeting where Sidney Powell, Gen. Michael Flynn, and Patrick Byrne were snuck into the White House to meet President Trump. #Jan6Hearings

On Dec 12th, 2020 a Trump rally to protest Stop the Steal of the 2020 election (in their minds) was held in Washington DC called the Jericho March... also sometimes referred to as the 2nd Million MAGA March. General Michael Flynn was the keynote speaker at the event.

The Jericho March was also co-promoted by #1LoudVoice & included other speakers that have since gained notoriety 4 their involvement at the Jan6th Capitol Insurrection such as Stewart Rhodes, Ali Alexander & Alex Jones. Over 800+ people have since been arrested for Jan6th crimes.

Days after the Jericho March event, on Dec 18th, the impromptu meeting occurred at the WH. The same day a DNI report that the Trump admin hoped would show foreign interference in the 2020 election was due. DNI delayed the report & ultimately it did NOT show needed interference.

The evening of Dec 18th, 2020 Sidney Powell, Gen. Michael Flynn, and Patrick Byrne were essentially snuck into the White House by Peter Navarro staffer Garrett Ziegler to have an impromptu meeting with President Trump.

Later that night Trump would send out this now infamous Tweet. A clarion call 4 action by his supporters on #Jan6th. A call that led to an attempted coup & overthrow of our Government by trying to block the peaceful transfer of power to the Democratically elected Joe Biden.

Mere days after Trump's tweet the Jericho March organizers, 1st led by Gen. Michael Flynn, pivoted, creating new graphics featuring the phrase "Be there, will be wild" and began rallying supporters 2 come 2 DC on #Jan6th. By Dec. 24-5th they had graphics and sign-up forms.

Here is a previous thread on Russian speaking Kristin Malimon who also used that new "Be there, will be wild" graphic.

And we end on showing how intertwined all of these post-election efforts were. The "endorse here" button on the 1LoudVoice's call for a "We the People Grand Jury" links to a page with the Jericho March logo. And using FreeRoots. web.archive.org/web/2021010800…

Okay one more ... as this new article by @hugolowell a few hours ago is insanely timely to our thread. The hearings tomorrow are going to be πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ @January6thCmte @RepRiggleman #January6thHearings

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