Nick Mark MD Profile picture
Intensivist | Husband, DadΒ² | created the #1 critical care podcast @CritCareTime & infographic site @OnePagerICU | passionate about MedEd & MedTech innovation

Jul 11, 2022, 6 tweets

I'm excited to share that I've been extensively updating my site to make it run smoother and add a bunch of highly requested features. For example:

1️⃣ Search πŸ”Ž
This should make it easier & much faster to find content! Less scrolling, more learning!

2️⃣ References πŸ“š
The site now includes links to all the references cited in each OnePager. In most cases I try to point out the seminal papers & their findings. Hopefully this makes it easier for learners to find the "key studies" on a topic!

(DM me ones I've missed! πŸ™)

3️⃣ Related OnePagers πŸ–‡οΈ
Thumbnails to related OnePagers - for example if you just learned about ECMO Fundamentals perhaps you'd like to see OnePagers about ECMO troubleshooting, LVADs, Balloon Pumps, etc?
Hopefully this makes it easier to find your next topic to learn about!

4️⃣ Links to other sites πŸ”—
There's a ton of great #FOAMed out there; I've added links to some of my favs! (e.g. @emcrit @LITFLblog @derangedphys @PulmPEEPs etc)
(This is a work in progress; please DM me or @OnePagerICU if you have suggestions for links I should include! πŸ™)

5️⃣ Translations! 🌍
The beauty of #OpenSource is it makes it easy to collaborate/translate. Thanks to several amazing volunteers, we now have OnePagers translated into 7 languages! πŸ‡«πŸ‡·πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡ͺπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΅πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡§πŸ‡· & more!

Check out the index to see translations by language

6️⃣ More OnePagers! πŸ“Ÿ
There's some new content & I've got about a dozen #OnePagers in the works including some amazing collaborations. Stay tuned for a lot more *content* in the coming weeks! #FOAMed #FOAMcc

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