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None of you are serious. Where is your mask?

Jul 13, 2022, 30 tweets

1/ ‼️ ATTN #CUSD ‼️

What link does this have to our current @ChandlerUnified governing board race?

A terrifying one, actually.

But first, how many degrees of separation would you want between your children and someone who BEAR MACES children?

2/ (PSST! Btw y’all are following @keepazblue already, right? They are a student effort and well… they’re just plain awesome. Go follow them. Also on FB and Instagram.)

3/ When that ☝🏼content was posted on FB #CUSD candidate #KurtRohrs got his manly feelings big time hurt.

In true Kurt fashion he dusted off his best “hey you kids, get off the lawn!” BS & did this:

#KurtRohrs attacked #CUSD students, calling them a “danger to the community.”

4/ And because Kurt is NEVER wrong, truth be damned, even after several students responded, identifying themselves as the brains and brawn of this organization, he doubled-down on his tantrum.

5/ Maybe Kurt & Charlotte & Co are used to having their hate speech & bullying tolerated b/c #CUSD does nothing to challenge or stop them in mtgs. However, we’ve seen how that very same apathy from #CUSD leadership has brought forth many powerful student voices just like these.

6/ And these students? They weren’t gonna lay down and #SilentBarb their way through this.

7/ Anyone wanna guess what Kurt did next? Anyone?

He went to hate group Purple For Parents (P4P) for help to attack these kids.

I really wish I was kidding right now. But that’s exactly what he did.

8/ And how does this tie-in with children getting bear maced?

Recall who P4P is, where they came from (*ahem* PMAZ) & Kurt’s long association with them all.

New here? Make sure you read this whole thread.

9/ Remember when P4P organized that protest outside Perry High School?

That’s what can happen when you call in P4P & Kurt damn well knows it.…

10/ (Disrespecting an SRO?!?!?!Quick! Someone get Ann’s fainting couch!!!)

11/ Did y’all catch that video in the article? From the mom’s cell phone? In the principal’s office? Clearly taking a page out of OG PMAZ’s playbook?

Because speaking of OG PMAZ…

12/… y’all remember that’s where P4P came from, right?

And who was PMAZ?

13/ Say cheese!

14/ So when I asked you, #CUSD, how many degrees of separation you would want between your children and someone who bear maces children, was the number that came to mind this small?

#KurtRohrs ↔️ P4P ↔️ PMAZ ↔️ bear mace

15/ Not only is Kurt running for a spot on the board, he’s a SUBSTITUTE TEACHER IN THE DISTRICT according to Supt. @FrankNarducci and his Kurt-ass-kissing.

16/ Y’all wondering who showed up on Facebook after Kurt’s “HELP ME FIGHT THESE MEANIE KIDS!” to his hate group?

See if you notice something…

17/ All the defenses include Kurt AND #CharlotteGolla. Including this one who previously tattled on Charlotte having a “Domestic Terrorist!” buddy which may have been why she has since deleted her campaign twitter. Who can say. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Hey! I know that screenshot! 🤣

18/ Awkward, Char! 🤦🏻‍♀️

19/ But this is zero shocking because we know who Charlotte is because good god how many times must she show us.

20/ (Y’all really do send me the best stuff!)

If anyone has doubts whether #CharlotteGolla is here to protect kids or to protect her agenda, may I present Charlotte, on how Charlotte responds to students being attacked by dangerous grownups.

21/ Charlotte, on how Charlotte responds to students being attacked by dangerous grownups (cont.)

22/ Y’all…
1. Shut the hell up they aren’t running together.👖🔥*
2. Really Charlotte? REALLY? You’re out crusading w/ your hate group besties b/c you’re so desperate to protect your kids from BOOKS but you won’t speak out to protect other people’s kids from real threats?

23/ “Charlotte Golla, who is running with me”

24/ “let US take it to ‘em”

“She’s [Charlotte] going after her [Board Member Lindsay Love] tonight”

25/ Oh Charlotte. Yet another woman of that particular ilk who thinks if they support/protect men like Kurt, those men will return the favor of protecting them.

Kurt’s not exactly worried about her desperate need to appear 1. separate or 2. moderate/reasonable though huh?

26/ Remember what we learned here #CUSD
1. Kurt called on a hate group to attack @ChandlerUnified students
2. That hate group is the product of PMAZ’s Jen Harrison, now best known for BEAR MACING CHILDREN
3. Kurt is not only running for school board he’s a SUB IN THE DISTRICT…


4. Charlotte is a liar liar pants on fire
5. Charlotte does not care about protecting students


Contact @ChandlerUnified and demand Kurt not be allowed within a hundred miles of #CUSD students or schools.

29/ They’re already catching heat and good for that.

Tomorrow is the next @ChandlerUnified meeting. It’s a great chance to let them know how fucking TERRIBLE this is.

Here are this week’s written submissions. It’s just one actually. In 2 parts. (Remember: you can do that!)

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