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Jul 13, 2022, 13 tweets

They used the “Antifa” label as a catchall smear. They tried 2 designate it a terrorist organization, knowing that it is an ideology, not a clearly defined group w/ clearly defined membership. IOW, they wanted 2 criminalize all dissent. If they regain power, they will do it. 1/







8/ I’m sure it’s “fine.” It’s not as if the idea to designate “Antifa” as a terrorist organization came from Jacob Engels (Roger Stone’s longtime assistant) & Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio (Stone’s good friend and volunteer). Oh wait…

9/ Who is Jack Posobiec? This is Jack Posobiec.

10/ Here’s Jack Posobiec with Jacob Engels, Joe Biggs (indicted Proud Boy organizer), & Laura Loomer (also mentored by Stone).

11/ If the GOP ever regains power, they will also use “Antifa” as a scapegoat and supposed justification for right wing violence. Trump released this on Jan 5. Again, Ted Cruz was all in with this too. These maniacs are full on fascists.

12/ If you are arrested, how will you prove that you’re not a member of an imaginary terrorist organization? We must never let these monsters regain power.

13/ As an officer, Posobiec was in charge of urinalysis btw.

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