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Jul 13, 2022, 19 tweets

Happy 15 month regretiversary of the "safe and effective" experiment to me!

The good news: Still surviving.

The bad news: Still suffering. 🧡 πŸ‘‡

#CanWeTalkAboutIt #VaccineInjuries #VaccineSideEffects

People almost never ask how I'm doing, especially friends and family, but when they do, I simply say, "suffering, but surviving." Symptoms continue to evolve with new surprises almost daily. While many v-injured are improving, I'm only slowly getting worse each month.

I've had 35+ doctor appointments and tests, been gaslit, insulted, and dismissed, but found a few who admit v-injuries are occurring, been diagnosed with POTS, MCAS, small fiber neuropathy, vasculitis, neuroinflammation, micro clotting, subclinical myocarditis.

But it's "safe."

"Have you tried..."

I appreciate the suggestions, but you'd need more money than Elon, the patience of a saint, and 100 lifetimes to try every combo of meds and supplement to see if anything sticks. Most recently, I tried the FLCCC protocol, which helped others, but failed me.

While it's ultimately the v-injured's responsibility for taking the shot which has turned into the biggest regret of our lives, it's hard not to dwell on those who put us in this position and continue to kick people while they're down so let's throw some bad guys under the bus...

Enemy #1: At the root of all the evil lies Big pHARMa with enough money to control the entire narrative, including gov't, media, and public. They've ignored repeated pleas to acknowledge the people they've killed and research the those they've injured to develop a safer product.

Enemy #2: The gov't, which is nothing more than a pharma puppet. Did you know: That 2/3rds of congress cash a check from drugmakers? That pharma paid Biden $2.5 million and Trump $647k for their election campaigns? Think they work for you? Think again. tinyurl.com/2p86h6v6

Enemy #3: The three letter agencies. The CDC, FDA, and NIH are fully aware that people are being injured & killed, but are doing everything in their power to make sure you don't. 27k royalty checks totaling $193 million were paid to bribe 1,800 scientists.

Enemy #4: The media. As a journalism major taught objectivity, I'm disgusted at the industry. When 75% of ads are funded by pharma, it's in their best interest to ignore one of the biggest crimes against humanity. Where do you get your news? Is it... "brought to you by Pfizer"?

Enemy #5: Big Tech. The injured are silenced and censored in the name of "misinformation," despite scientific evidence that AE's are occurring. Why? Because pharma pressures the gov't to pressure tech companies to hide risks so their cash cow can cash in. greenwald.substack.com/p/congress-esc…

Enemy #6: Doctors. To be clear, not all are awful. The ones that want to help are ostracized and often fired, so a vast majority continue to gaslight, insult, and dismiss the v-injured by putting their egos above the patient, leading to delayed care/death.

Enemy #6: The radical right. Those looking for nothing more than an "I told you so" moment, claiming "you deserve it because you didn't listen" are cowards looking for validation by preying on the sick rather than directing their anger toward those in power who created this mess.

Enemy #7: The hypocritical left. They kick their own to the curb for doing nothing more than doing the right thing, calling the v-injured "liars spreading misinformation," labeling us as Nazi QAnon terrorists, wishing we'd shut up and die w/death threats, just like the unjabbed.

Despite so much evil, there's a lot of good out there. Good liberals, good conservatives, good doctors, good journalists. Caring people who practice love, kindness, and empathy. There are eight billion people on this planet and everyone has a story that deserves to be heard.

At this rate, I'll eventually be banned or die "mysteriously," but you'll know why. Til then, I'll keep telling my story, update you on health, do the job the media fails to, try new things to try to get better, but it's hard. 15 months is a long time to be sick w/o help or hope.

By failing to acknowledge the risks of these shots, then leave the injured with no recourse, research, treatment, or answers, it rightfully fuels anti-v sentiment bc people see there's no help. It can happen to anyone and if it happens to you, you'll be left for dead too.

I've found a sense of purpose working with @React19org, a science-based non-profit offering financial, physical, and emotional support for those suffering from AE's. I welcome the v-injured, medical and media allies to give us a follow.

Trust the science:

We set up a fund for patients to gain access to health care, research, and treatment through a grant program funded through the generosity of donors. If you're in a position to help, please Text REACT to 50155 or follow this link: react19.org/donate.

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