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Mar 18, 2024 • 36 tweets • 14 min read
Today the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in Murthy v. Missouri (Biden v. Missouri) - The most important First Amendment case in American history.
Testimonies include mine and others at @React19org after the gov't violated our rights by censoring the vaccine-injured.
First an overview of the case: A lawsuit uncovered a censorship enterprise by the government colluding w/Big Tech companies to suppress millions of voices on social media who questioned topics such as the origins of Covid and the safety of vaccines.
20 months ago today I got the shot they lied and said was safe. 610 days of non-stop neuro, cardio, pulmonary, and vascular torture that in a single word can be summed up as "regret." So on this regretiversary, a recognition of this shitshow's silver lining... 1/4
What they don't tell you about being #VaccineInjured is that you'll be lied to, gaslit, dismissed, ignored, stigmatized, receive hate and death threats, ostracized by old friends and family, left for dead with no support, research, recourse, treatment, answers, or help... 2/4
Nov 3, 2022 • 6 tweets • 5 min read
Researching candidates for #Election2022 with a simple strategy: I won't vote for anyone who has cashed a dime of Big Pharma donations and/or ignored pleas for help from the #VaccineInjured like my elected officials @RepJoeNeguse, Sen @MichaelBennet, and @GovofCO. #VoteThemOut 🧵
I lean left on some issues and right on others so I've always been independent. I'm a one-issue voter now, and Democrats have by and large been hypocritical & abysmal in acknowledging #VaccineInjuries, censoring us instead. My elected officials in #Colorado have left me for dead.
Oct 13, 2022 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
It’s my 18 month regretiversary of the shot they lied & said was safe. 60 doc appts, 30 symptoms, no improvement.
I did what the gov’t asked but @SenatorHick, @RepJoeNeguse, @JoeBiden have ignored the #VaccineInjured. Left for dead w/no health, no disability, no help, no hope.🧵
A lawsuit against the CDC forced them to release v-safe data showing 783,000 people sought medical attn following their shots. What these cowards don’t realize is that many red pilled v-injured voted for them and turning your backs on 3/4 million doesn’t bode well for reelection.
Jul 13, 2022 • 19 tweets • 8 min read
Happy 15 month regretiversary of the "safe and effective" experiment to me!
The good news: Still surviving.
The bad news: Still suffering. 🧵 👇
People almost never ask how I'm doing, especially friends and family, but when they do, I simply say, "suffering, but surviving." Symptoms continue to evolve with new surprises almost daily. While many v-injured are improving, I'm only slowly getting worse each month.
May 18, 2022 • 22 tweets • 6 min read
400 days of hell. 400 nights wondering if I'll wake up in the morning. A life robbed by the Moderna vaccine, causing POTS, MCAS, small fiber neuropathy, asthma, vasculitis, clots. No research, treatment, answers, or help. Left for dead with nothing but memories of mountaintops.🧵
On the day of my second shot I experienced severe flu-like symptoms lasting 48 hours: Nausea, vomiting, fever, aches, fatigue, migraine, tachycardia. Then five days after Moderna #2 my entire world was flipped upside down when the neuro and cardio torture began...
May 5, 2022 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
In celebration of #CincodeMayo, a look at vax-injury treatment this last year...
What hasn’t worked: Literally all meds, supplements, diet, 30+ doctor appointments and tests.
What has worked: Taking a break from all this crap to travel to Mexico, despite the health issues. 🇲🇽
The health problems come packed in your carry on baggage so it was exhausting running around the Yucatán Peninsula for three weeks, but sometimes you have to do what you think you can't. Mexico is an amazing country rich in culture w/friendly people and incredibly delicious food.
Apr 13, 2022 • 21 tweets • 7 min read
Today is my one year "regretiversary" of the vaccine that ruined my life. So to celebrate the fact it hasn't killed me (yet), here's a thread attempting to summarize the rollercoaster ride this last year has been...
On April 13, 2021 I received Moderna #2 after believing the BS we were told by the gov and media, all my friends/family were fine after their shots, docs recommended it, if I wanted to work/travel I'd have to get it. I thought it was the ticket to get back to normal. I was wrong.
Mar 7, 2022 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
I'm 41 and on now heart medication thanks to Moderna. I used to be healthy, teach snowboarding and climb Colorado's 14,000-foot peaks. Now, it's hard climbing up a flight of stairs thanks to #VaccineSideEffects
My story is hardly unique. There are countless thousands of us suffering in silence with #VaccineSideEffects. No acknowledgement by the gov, no research by drug makers, no coverage by the media. Stigmatized by the public and left for dead.
Mar 3, 2022 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
Had my 24th doc appointment today since experiencing a cascade of neurological and vascular symptoms following the Moderna vaccine 10+ months ago. Today, we tested lung function, which appears to be damaged as well. #VaccineSideEffects
Thanks for all the support! There are many who are getting better and many who have it much worse off. I tested positive for postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, neuroinflammation, possible small fiber neuropathy, and MCAS, results pending. Didn't see that coming. It sucks.