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Kiwi tweeting info on California fires. Tweets not official & should not be treated as such. I work for @watchdutyapp. 🇳🇿 Download WD:

Jul 14, 2022, 17 tweets

#PeterFire near #Anderson in Shasta Co: 10 acres w/ moderate rate of spread & multiple spots out in front, 5 addl engines + 3 water tenders requested, was reported as a structure fire into veg. Peter Pan Gulch Rd & Olinda Rd.

#PeterFire (#Anderson, Shasta Co) - IC reporting 1 structure fully involved & on the ground along w/ 20-30 acres of grass & oak woodland, requested 4 addl handcrews & 2 addl dozers.

#PeterFire (#Anderson, Shasta Co) - IC reporting 50+ acres now, requesting 10 addl engines any type closest. Evacuations in progress, working w/ Sheriff's + Anderson PD, mentioned La Colina Terrace as a starting point for evacs.

#PeterFire (#Anderson, Shasta Co) -
Evacs posted here:…
EVACUATIONS as of 3:30pm:
- the area of La Colina Terrace at Beacon
- Peter Pan Gulch at Olinda
- the streets between Peter Pan west to Twyla

Thanks to @3callsaday for sending them in.

#PeterFire (#Anderson, Shasta Co) - Radio traffic indicating structures are being impacted on Aquado Way, Anza Ave & Fairwind Dr, addl resources being requested this way (those 10 engines are being sent to this side). Tankers doing structure protection drops.

#PeterFire (#Anderson, Shasta Co) - IC requesting 3 addl strike teams of type 3 engines (15 engines) & 2 strike teams of handcrews (4 crews). Tankers 93, 94, 95 & 96 at the fire already, T132 just arriving.

#PeterFire (#Anderson, Shasta Co) - @ARCGoldCountry is opening an Evacuation Center at West Valley High School, 3805 Happy V Rd, Cottonwood, CA 96022. Air Attack requesting the VLAT out of McClellan, believe that is unavailable though based on Washburn fire requests.

#PeterFire (#Anderson, Shasta Co) - Air Attack reporting a minimum of 30 structures threatened & have already lost 2 structures. Now have spot fires across Fairwind Dr + 3rd St.

#PeterFire (#Anderson, Shasta Co) - Tanker 914 (VLAT) just departed McClellan en-route to this fire w/ the lead plane, + T103 is also on fire, total 7 tankers by my count.

#PeterFire (#Anderson, Shasta Co) - 200 acres now per @CALFIRESHU.

#PeterFire (#Anderson, Shasta Co) - Intel 12 has mapped the fire @ 248 acres as of about 20 minutes ago, map below via #FireMappers.

#PeterFire (#Anderson, Shasta Co) - Shascom911 has updated the evacs on Facebook to include:

- La Colina Terrace to Spring Gulch Rd
- from Third Street at Highway 273 and all roads west of 273 to the northwest to Anna Road and Spring Gulch Rd.…

#PeterFire (#Anderson, Shasta Co) - Shasta Sheriff's has an evacuation warning for all streets off Parallel Rd & Jacqueline St. Haven't seen any evac maps yet. Their Facebook post >…

#PeterFire (#Anderson, Shasta Co) - Intel 12 has mapped the fire @ 303.7 acres. T914 (VLAT) is being released.

#PeterFire (#Anderson, Shasta Co) - Air Attack releasing all but 2 tankers, keeping all copters, watching out for spot fires, reports that the remaining predominant smoke is a structure fire.

#PeterFire (#Anderson, Shasta Co) - I haven't had much by way of updates lately, the tankers were released, the smoke has been much less for a while now. Some updated evacuations below from Shasta Co Sheriffs:

#PeterFire (#Anderson, Shasta Co) - 12 structures destroyed per the CAL FIRE update sheet below. 304 acres & 25% contained.

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