Elizabeth Tasker 🎃 Profile picture
UK astrophysicist working at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). Author of 'The Planet Factory' annnd @elizabethtasker@mastodon.online

Jul 15, 2022, 17 tweets

We are still here, with enough veterinary medicine to open a small practice in my bedroom!

#CassieCat had dangerously high levels of ammonia in her blood, that might be due to dehydration from poor circulation caused by her cancer 😕

There’s this humungous construction in my living room and all I can do is flop beside it. #CassieCat (futon pulled into main room to keep an eye on her after such a tough day!)

A better start to Saturday than Friday! #CassieCat #NorahNeko

Guys, Vet Elizabeth is not the greatest. Instead of a fluid filled cat, I now have a wet cat 😕 Some (maybe most) did go in, but it wasn’t the neat, dry job that occurs at the vet.

When you’re trying to give your cat her meds… #CassieCat

We are ready for pets. #CassieCat

After suffering another seizure this afternoon, #CassieCat is having a difficult night. She’s very hot and restless. I’ve given her all the medicine from vet (anti-seizure and steroid, plus subcutaneous fluids) and I’m hoping she settles 😕

2am. We have not settled.

Sadly, #CassieCat did not recover. She’s still with us, but she’s been fading all day and we probably only have a few hours left together.

The Japan Cat Network (from where I was fostering Cassie) called me to see how I was holding up. It was incredibly kind. Love hurts, y’all.

I’ve lost my incredibly brave #CassieCat. Thank you for all your warm thoughts.

Thank you everyone for all your support. Re-reading your replies made today a lot easier.

I’ve taken #CassieCat to the Jonan Pet Cemetery, where Tallis’s ashes are also in their little shrine. I’ll order a pretty memorial plaque for her later.

I visited Jonan Pet Cemetery where Cassie’s ashes now rest and ordered a memorial plate for Cass. The manager sat and talked with me about Cassie and was incredibly kind. I think this could be the nicest place on Earth.

タスカー家愛猫キャシー (Beloved cat of the Tasker family, Cassie). The pretty nameplate for #CassieCat is now at the Jonan Pet Shrine ♥️🐈 Did I mention how lovely this place is? I couldn’t find Cassie’s name, but when I went to reception they recognised me & showed me the plate.

The Jonan Pet Cemetery Shrine is always packed full of offerings for loved pets. But what #CassieCat really enjoyed was a fresh shrimp, which I don’t think anyone would appreciate me leaving in this heat! I may have to find a plastic one 😅

Today is day 48 since #CassieCat left us. According to Buddhist belief, the soul departs for the next life on day 49. I visited Jonan Pet Cemetery and added a little cat sticker to her memorial plate (an essential guide to finding it again!). I also refreshed Tallis’s sticker.

While you cannot donate karma, deeds performed during the 7 weeks after death are said to have a positive impact for departed loved one. I therefore neutered 3 stray cats, helped rescue a cat, and fed a bunch more 😸If that doesn’t nail enlightenment, then I don’t know what will!

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