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Open Source Intelligence Analysis.

Jul 15, 2022, 10 tweets

India’s popular pro-claimed fact-checker Md Zubair, who can see stones as wallets, is under the bus and being targeted by the online trolls with absurd claims & conspiracies of resemblance with terrorist Ajmal Kasab.

A fact-checking thread:

Several online trolls have been sharing a fake conspiracy about Zubair, some either calling him the cousin of Ajmal Kasab & some went a step ahead to call him the living Kasab!

We felt, Zubair needed our help. So, we did some fact-check to quash such conspiracies.


We did some ‘reverse image search’ & realised that Kasab & Zubair were never previously related nor compared to each other. We purely believe in ‘facts’, so we present to you the discrepancies in those conspiracies & put forth real facts as evidence.


Some users claimed that Zubair is Kasab who plastic surgery-ed into India’s proclaimed fact-checker & so he covers his ears to hide the surgery marks.
No, Zubair doesn’t hide his ears-lobes & they are even fairly bigger than Kasab’s earlobes.

See the difference:

Another key difference b/w Kasab & Zubair is their eyebrows. Kasab’s eyebrows were thick, while Zubair has receding & thin eye brow line.
Zubair by any chance has never revealed about any skin or hair receding problem.


Kasab was a trained militant, whereas, Zubair comes from corporate background with no prior experience of militant training. Plus, Kasab operated with guns & rifles, while Zubair- is a social media addict and operates via keyboards & social media.


We even tried putting glasses on Kasab’s face, but realised that there was still not a single scope of similarity between the two. Moreover, Kasab doesn’t come close to matching the charming looks of Zubair.


At the time, when Kasab was in jail, Zubair was a no-one and was enjoying trips to Paris.

To add more difference - Kasab was just 5 ft in contrary to Zubair- who is seemingly lanky and can constitute two Kasabs with his tall height.


Therefore, we conclude that #Kasab & #Zubair are not related. We would continue to expose such conspiracies & keep the social media space clean.

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