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Jul 15th 2022
India’s popular pro-claimed fact-checker Md Zubair, who can see stones as wallets, is under the bus and being targeted by the online trolls with absurd claims & conspiracies of resemblance with terrorist Ajmal Kasab.

A fact-checking thread:
Several online trolls have been sharing a fake conspiracy about Zubair, some either calling him the cousin of Ajmal Kasab & some went a step ahead to call him the living Kasab!

We felt, Zubair needed our help. So, we did some fact-check to quash such conspiracies.

We did some ‘reverse image search’ & realised that Kasab & Zubair were never previously related nor compared to each other. We purely believe in ‘facts’, so we present to you the discrepancies in those conspiracies & put forth real facts as evidence.

Read 10 tweets
May 17th 2021
I dnt knw if ppl here will understand why since few days some wr trying to add fuel to #RW fire.

INDIA's enemies want to divide INDIA on religious lines . PROOF!👇
Another #Kasab!!!
Do not let India's enemies manipulate us!!

I hv not heard Yati. So i do not subscribe to his views.
But I do believe-- by hook or crook, somebody wants to keep us divided.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 5th 2020
#MumbaiPolice is a force of great officers, who have done good for the city and even sacrificed their lives for it. But the #MahaGovt has reduced the force down to a puppet used to mop up its crimes. @CPMumbaiPolice RISE and RESIST against the ones trying to influence you. #SSR
You used to boast of brave officers who stood up against corrupt powers, remember #HimanshuRoy, #VijaySalaskar who crushed street gangs, who put gangsters behind bars on in their coffins. #JusticeForSushant #SushantSinghRajput
Your brave constable, #TukaramOmble died while trying to catch the devil himself who tried to attack our city. You had ‘encounter specialists like #PradeepSharma who risked their lives and killed criminals like flies. #JusticeForSushant #JusticeForDisha
Read 6 tweets

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