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Jul 16, 2022, 6 tweets

#HongKong Complex Case Series

Global representation..thank u for the invitation
Hoping more women next year
@DrSaritaRao2 @drsonyaburgess

Case 1: Hydraulic exchange of the roto wire thru a microcatheter & this is the next picture..what's happening?
#ACCIC #EAPCI @mmamas1973 @evandrofilhobr @saraceciliamtz @AntoniousAttall @atunuguntla1 @ArasiMaran @djc795 @sbrugaletta

Case 2: Retrograde #CTO101 w snaring of wire
Case 3: Double balloon inflation to treat #PVL & change #TMVR morphology

Complex LM trifurcation dz:
1) Stent enhancing imaging vs IC imaging
2) 3rd branch: More stents, POBA or leave alone?
3) @latambifclub results presented @PCRonline

@TanveerRab @BURZOTTA_F @GoranEBC @GoranEBC @MilasinD18 @ArasiMaran What is your preference for trifurcations?

Case 6 Endocarditis presenting as STEMI 😱
@GilbertTangMD @PPibarot @didier_tchetche @djc795 @kimskeldingmd @KimAtianzar

@luciotpadilla great data. Thank y for sharing it with us. Congrats to your group & awesome #RadialFirst lounge

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