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Posts/data about climate+energy Press Gazette energy & envt journo of yr 2022 Deputy Ed, Senior Policy Ed @CarbonBrief DMs open

Jul 16, 2022, 105 tweets

Exceptional heat is sparking wildfires and heatwaves around the world

Here's a selection of newspaper frontpages from the last few days (ongoing thread)

1/ Spain

2/ Turkey

3/ China

4/ Greece

5/ UK

6/ UK

7/ Portugal

8/ Spain

9/ Scotland

10/ Greece

11/ UK

12/ France

13/ Croatia

14/ France

15/ US

16/ Spain

17/ Spain

18/ Bosnia - Dnevni avaz
"The country is on fire"

19/ Spain - Faro De Vigo
"Night of panic"

20/ Mexico - El Sol de Salamanca
"Drought devastates crops"

21/ US - The Tribune
"Giant sequoias were saved"

22/ Spain - Regió 7
"Fire storm in Bages with 200 evacuated"

23/ US - The State
"Fires scorch Spain and France"

24/ Israel - Haaretz
"Huge fires are raging in Western Europe, and firefighters are helpless"

25/ Germany - DW
"Heatwaves and fires, above all in southern Europe"

26/ Qatar - Qatar Tribune
"Evacuations as Mediterranean wildfires spread"

27/ South Korea - Dong-A Ilbo
"40C heatwave spreads to Spain's wildfires"

28/ Qatar - Gulf Times
"Forest fires rage as climate change hits South Europe"

29/ Germany - DW English edition
"Wildfires continue to rage in France and Spain"

30/ Austria - Kronen Zeitung
"Europe fights the heat"

31/ Slovakia - Pravda
"The fire is tormenting many countries, Slovakia is in for a scorcher"

32/ Spain - El Periódico
"New fire, deliberate, in Hell's Gorge"

33/ Spain - Córdoba
"Spain on fire"

34/ Turkey - Hürriyet
"Fires rage in scorching south west Europe"

35/ Czechia - Lidové Noviny
"The south of Europe is fighting fire."

36/ Austria - Kleine Zeitung
"The overheated continent"

37/ Mexico - El Mundo
"The flames devour…more than 30,000ha in Portugal"

38/ Scotland - Edinburgh News
"Feeling the heat"

39/ Spain - La Voz de Galicia
"The great fires in Lugo and Ourense force the evacuation of several populations"

40/ France - Le Temps
"The burning forest"

41/ Spain - el Periódico
"Fire rages in Bages"

42/ Canada - The Telegram
"Forest fire hits Conception Bay South"

43/ Singapore - The Straits Times
"Fight to control wildfires raging in south-western Europe"

44/ France - Libération
"After six days, the forest is still burning"

45/ US - The Wall Street Journal
"Wildfires, Record Heat Beset European Continent"

47/ Spain - La Vanguardia
"Fire rages out of control"

48/ France - Le Figaro
"Forest fires ravage the Southwest"

49/ UK - Daily Mirror
"Blowtorch Britain"

50/ Spain - La Razón
"A seaplane unloads retardant on the flames of a forest fire"

51/ Spain - El País
"First fatality of the fire wave"

52/ UK - The Daily Telegraph
"Heatwave meltdown brings UK to a halt"

53/ UK - The Sun
"Hotter than the Sahara"

54/ UK - The Guardian
"Red alert: 'ferocious' heatwave set to send temperatures beyond 40C"

55/ Slovenia - Primorske novice
"Extinguishing fire made harder by exploding grenades [from WWI]"

HT @dcerar

56/ Saudi Arabia - Al Eqtisadiah
"A firefighter working to contain forest fires in the Gironde region, southwest France, yesterday"

57/ Serbia - Blic
"40C in Serbia!"

58/ El Salvador - La Prensa Grafica
"Fires due to heat…in Spain"

59/ Austria - Vorarlberger Nachrichten
"Europe is burning"

60/ Turkey - Daily Sabah
"'Climate change affects everyone': Europe battles huge wildfires"

61/ Mexico - El Mundo
"Jerte fire completes the disaster"

62/ Oman - Muscat Daily
"Heatwave grips Europe"

63/ Turkey - Türkiye
"Number of deaths from heat increases"

64/ Spain - el Periódico
"Surviving the inferno"

65/ France - Libération
"Like being in a disaster film"

66/ Spain - La Vanguardia
"The heatwave causes 510 deaths and dozens of fires in Spain"

67/ Spain - El País
"Agonising fight against the fire"

68/ Canada - The Globe and Mail
"Extreme heat sears Britain"

69/ UK - The Independent
"A wildfire near Chesterfield yesterday was one of two dozen recorded in just 48 hours as Britain swelters"

70/ UK - The Sun
"Britain is melting"

71/ UK - the i newspaper
"Earth sends a warning"

72/ UK - Evening Standard
"London sizzles"

73/ UK - Daily Mirror
"Record baker"

74/ UK - Metro
"Get ready for…hottest day ever"

75/ Netherlands - NRC
“Heatwave sweeps through Western Europe”

HT @TdeBeus

76/ Argentina - La Nacion
"Europe, overwhelmed: record heat, paralysis and wildfires"

77/ Portugal - Jornal de Notícas
"July breaks heat and death records"

78/ Brazil - Estado de Minas
"Historical (and scary) heat in Europe"

79/ Scotland - The Herald
"Mercury guess record high as Scotland sizzles at 35C"

80/ Brazil - Folha de S.Paulo
"Under climate crisis, UK records national record-high 40.3C temperature"

81/ Switzerland - Neue Zürcher Zeitung
"38.1C in Geneva - Europe is suffering"

82/ Portugal - Jornal de Negócios
"With each fire a little more of Portugal is lost"

83/ Austria - Der Standard
"Drought triggers numerous forest fires in Europe"

84/ US - Arkansas Democrat Gazette
"No relief for Europe"

85/ US - World Journal
"Britain surges to 105F, thousands die in Europe"

86/ Greece - Kathimerini
"Fiery conflagration in Attica"

87/ UK - The Guardian Weekly
"Europe's heat apocalypse"

88/ Scotland - The Scotsman
"Extreme heatwaves 'every three years' without action"

89/ UK - Financial Times
"Burning Britain: Houses blaze in record heat "

90/ UK - the i newspaper
"Tinderbox UK ignites at record 40.3C"

91/ UK - The Sun

92/ UK - Metro
"Burning hot Britain"

93/ UK - The Times
"Record high of 40.3C sparks wildfires in tinderbox Britain"

94/ UK - Daily Mail
"Nightmare of the wildfires"

95/ UK - Daily Mirror
"Britain's burning"

96/ UK - The Independent
"The day Britain burned"

97/ UK - The Guardian
"'A wake up call': UK hits highest ever temperature"

98/ UK - The Daily Telegraph
"Britain ignites as temperatures break 40C barrier for first time"

99/ UK - Daily Express
"Britain burns in 40.3C heat"

100/ Scotland - Daily Record
"Britain's burning"

101/ Sweden - Svenska Dagbladet
"The shock heat spreads"

102/ France - Le Figaro
"In Gironde, the fierce fight against the advance of the flames"

103/ India - The Hindu
"Sizzling Spain"

104/ Italy - Corriere Della Sera
"Italy on fire, evacuations and fear from the Karst to Versilia"

105/ Canada - Toronto Star
"Extreme heat grips Europe"

106/ Ireland - Irish Daily Mail
"Nightmare of horror wildfires in Britain"

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