@marianods@mastodon.bida.im Profile picture
Legal and Policy Officer @OpenRightsGroup "Between a high, solid wall and an egg that breaks against it, I will always stand on the side of the egg." - cit.

Jul 18, 2022, 9 tweets

1) BREAKING: #GDPR Gutting Bill on floor of the Commons at 15.30
commonsbusiness.parliament.uk/Document/58558… #dataprotection

We at @OpenRightsGroup made an analysis on what to expect today. Thread below

2) This Govt want the UK digital sector to be as dirty and dishonest as them, and they wrote a law for no one but the law-breakers. Everyone else will have less rights, less choices, and less access to recourse if something goes wrong.

3) On top of that, mass data sharing to law enforcement agencies will cement the UK digital police state. The UK Govt will authorise any data seizure or use on their whims and with secondary legislation, undermining lawfulness and purpose limitation.

4) Individuals seeking to exercise their right of access to their data will be questioned about the motives of their requests, and accused of being vexatious. This extends to public authorities as well: those who dare to question the Government will be investigated instead.

5) At the same time, the UK Data Reform Bill would scrap robust accountability requirements and replace them with empty, box-ticking exercises where public and private organisations will be allowed to choose what homework to do and give themselves a good mark.

6) The ICO will have to report directly to the Govt as to how they are implementing the Secretary of State’s agenda, and the Commissioner could see their salary curtailed if they don’t follow orders. In essence, the ICO new job will be to please their political masters.

7) Finally, the Govt is introducing loopholes in the UK international data transfers framework. This is all about turning the UK into a data laundering hub, and allowing data oligarchs to evade the rules by transferring your data oversea.

8) Smaller UK businesses will suffer from the shredding of the UK adequacy decision instead, and will have to bear the cost and implementation of additional safeguards to make up for the unsafe regulatory environment the UK Data Reform Bill will establish.

9) and here we go, the “Data Protection and Digital Information Bill” has just been published publications.parliament.uk/pa/bills/cbill…

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