WesElyMD Profile picture
Husband & Dad. ICU Doc. Vanderbilt. @CIBScenter studies Covid & Long Covid, ICU Survivorship, PICS, Dementia, Delirium. Tweets my own. Still learning.

Jul 18, 2022, 8 tweets

1/🧵 Training Young Docs & Nurses💥

#JULY is a big time of year for medical trainees who move to the next level of their careers.

Question: How do I best serve them as a teacher & help them succeed?

Tip: this helps me be a better dad & husband, too.


2/ As a “coach” of younger doctors (or my kids or athletes, etc), there are certain truths I have learned:

Ultimately, students’, athletes’ and children’s successes and failures are their own. Not mine.

I shouldn’t take credit for their successes nor blame for their failures.

3/ I must, of course, protect patients from misdiagnoses & treatment errors.

While overseeing younger physicians’ progress to independence, I have to prioritize patient safety.

4/ My job is to coach others diligently, lifting them up and helping them see the immense possibilities of using their talents in service of others.

There is a line I must never cross: to want any specific outcome for another person more than s/he wants it for her/himself.

5/ If I cross that line, the next mistake I’ll inevitably make is doing something for another person that they must do for themselves.

This creates entitlement and prolongs their journey to independence.

My goal as a teacher is to become unneeded.

6/ I might trick myself into thinking I’m doing them a favor by fixing or preventing inefficiencies, but I’m not.

Over-support and micromanaging others is the opposite of empowering them.

It robs them of learning from their own choices.

7/ The hardest thing for me is watching people not live up to their potential.

I’m not the judge of her success. I don’t know what’s best for her.

A mistake or a missed opportunity might help them more in the long run (as long as I keep patients safe).

Growth via challenge.

As I watch new interns present complicated medical scenarios, I’m so impressed by their poise & maturity.

As an attending, I want to construct the best learning atmosphere & make sure they ask lots of questions without feeling judged.

Please share tips & insights!

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