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Antiquity is a bimonthly review of world archaeology edited by @RobinSkeates. Please be aware that we sometimes share relevant images of human remains.

Jul 19, 2022, 6 tweets

Archaeologists found over 100 previously unknown settlements north of Hadrian's Wall from around the time of Roman occupation.

A #FestivalOfArchaeology thread 1/6 🧵

Thes settlements were found between #HadriansWall, built in AD 122, and the Antonine Wall, built around 20 years later when the Empire expanded further north for a brief period. 2/6

📷: The walls by NormanEinstein / CC BY-SA 3.0

Recently, an analysis of lidar from the region around Burnswark hillfort revealed 134 new indigenous Iron Age settlements in the region, even though it had been extensively studied in the past. 3/6

📷: Known and newly identified sites

While many larger sites were already known, the survey has discovered many small farmsteads which are important because they represent the settlements within which the majority of the indigenous population lived. 4/6

📷: Lidar revealing 2 new sites (A & B) near Range Castle

The research is part of an attempt to survey the entire area between the walls and is FREE for the #FestivalofArchaeology from @archaeologyuk:
doi.org/10.15184/aqy.2… 5/6

Check out all the other great events going on during the festival:
6/6 🧵

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