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The Behind Labour Team investigates endemic corruption of all kinds within and behind the Left here in the UK & beyond. Your career is our playground. 😁

Jul 19, 2022, 15 tweets

To help those seeking to make sense of the #FordeReport, here are some *open source* LinkedIn screenshots of the work timeline for former Labour Party GLU Head Sam Matthews (formerly of Margaret Hodge's Royal Holloway University) @Standup4Labour

P.S. I've got screenies of the threatening facebook messages last decade, from your friend - so no more of that silliness please. 👍🏻

GLU Head

Disputes > GLU

Compliance > Disputes > GLU

Oasis - Breadcrumbs?

Yvette Cooper's Leadership Bid

A data system that perhaps held.... members & supporters data for leaflet printing? In 2015? Yet there was no central system according to the #FordeReport? Probably completely irrelevant... 😂

The Campaign Company, and PLMR (Lobbying Company)

Britain Stronger In Europe

Royal Holloway - Margaret Hodge's Royal Holloway.

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