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Jul 20, 2022, 9 tweets

SCOOP: Los Angeles Unified School District encourages kindergartners to experiment with non-binary pronouns, trains teachers to subvert “mainstream white cis-heteropatriarchy society,” and promotes sexual identities such as “trans,” “pansexual,” “two-spirit,” and “genderqueer.”🧵

I have obtained a trove of documents from the district’s Human Relations, Diversity, and Equity department, which has created an entire infrastructure to translate the basic tenets of academic Queer Theory into K-12 pedagogy.

The narrative follows the standard academic slop: white, cisgender, heterosexual men have built a repressive social structure, divided the world into the false binary of man and woman, and used this myth to oppress racial and sexual minorities.

In a conference last fall, the district hosted presentations on “breaking the [gender] binary,” understanding “what your queer middle schooler wants you to know,” and producing “counter narratives against the master narrative of mainstream white cis-heteropatriarchy society.”

In another training, the district encouraged teachers to “avoid gendered expressions” such as “boys and girls” and “ladies and gentlemen.” The district also warned teachers that they might need to work against black families, who are guilty of “homophobia and transphobia.”

Los Angeles Unified has gone all-in on “trans-affirming” programming, encouraging kindergartners to experiment with non-binary gender identities and organizing “trans & gender nonbinary” sexuality clubs for middle school students.

The district has adopted the policy that schools must use the "names and pronouns" selected by the student and keep them a secret from families. In other words, teachers can facilitate a child's gender and sexual transition without notifying parents.…

Read the full story at City Journal and tune in to Tucker Carlson Tonight at 8:40pm ET for my commentary:…

P.S. I'm working on a new investigative series on gender ideology in K-12 schools. If you'd like to support this work, you can become a contributor here:

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