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Jul 21, 2022, 5 tweets

This week, some of the #FBI's historic first women special agents returned to Quantico and Bureau Headquarters to share their experiences, stories, and advice with with current personnel and new agent trainees. #WomenWearTheBadge go.usa.gov/xS8Dv

While at Quantico, these #FBI trailblazers toured the Training Academy campus to see the changes that have been made since they were students 50 years ago. #WomenWearTheBadge go.usa.gov/xS8Dv

And while at #FBI Headquarters, they shared their stories during a panel that was attended by Bureau leadership and female special agents from each of the FBI's 56 field offices. #WomenWearTheBadge go.usa.gov/xS8Dv

Female special agents from across the #FBI took part in the golden anniversary commemoration at Bureau Headquarters. #WomenWearTheBadge go.usa.gov/xS8Dv

Learn more about the #FBI's women special agents by reading some of their stories at fbi.gov/WomenWearTheBa…. #WomenWearTheBadge

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