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PODDGAWIN, milebible, jeffbible, bkpp, singkit, pondphuwin, ohmnon, jossluke, jossgawin, geminifourth, neophuwin, neomark

Jul 23, 2022, 18 tweets

MileBible / JeffBible AU

bible udh punya cowo, tapi kok temennya agak keliatan sus?

#MilePhakphum #JeffSatur #BibleWichapas #MileBible #JeffBible #AU
© plapoddgawin

A day after

later that day...

meanwhile jeff on his own private secretly account

14 hours later..

To Be Continued.

mampos klen saya gantung wkwkw
btw buat kelanjutannya mending mana nih?

ok thank you, mohon maaf apabila ada kesalahan, love you all badut 💗
see u soon✌

part 2:

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